Nice Air Operation Procedure PA-34 Seneca
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
How can you detect the alternator failure? What would you do then?
One or both load meters indicate zero. If only one indicates zero, turn off the other one to make sure it
is working. If both indicate zero, check master switch on, circuit breaker, recycle alternator. If it still
indicate zero, turn off the master switch to conserve the battery. Also alternator warning light on.
How many batteries are there? Location?
One battery in the nose.
What is the voltage and capacity of the battery?
12 volt, 35 amh.
How long does the battery last after losing alternator?
Depend on the load. If you use 35 am continuously, it last 1 hour. If you use 70 am continuously, it last
1/2 hour.
Flight control system
Conventional cable and pulley system. The aileron and the elevator are interconnected. Using rudder
cause the aileron to be moved.
Type of flap: Single slotted
How does it work?
Flap is actuated manually by human power.
Maximum deflection: 40 degrees
Vfe: 125 MPH. However, 160 MPH for the first notch(10 degrees), 140 MPH for the second notch.
Vacuum system
To operate the gyro instruments. AI and HI.
Source of vacuum
Two engine driven vacuum pumps.
Normal indication
5 in-hg±0.2
How to detect the failure
There are red flags on the vacuum gauge.
Stall warning system
Electrical warning horn activated with tabs. There are two tabs on the left wing. The out board is acti-
vated for flap zero and 10 degrees. Inboard one is for 25 and 40 degrees.
Also stall warning light illuminates.
Conventional heater same as the one used in Cessna 172.
Ice protection
: Pitot heat, carb heat