Pioneer SX-3900 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 31

Содержание SX-3900

Страница 1: ... eftice nual FM Iuartz Locked STEREORECEIVER six 3s oo proNEER ...

Страница 2: ...rrent suppressor l5 1r jlltr r ion oirioriion iuorrrrrltrl f ltjT fl 1 E 5 DISASSEMBLY 15 continuous ratedpoweroutput No morethan0 005 6 PARTSLOCATION 16 60 wattsperchannel power 7 DIAL CORDSTRINGING 18 output No more than0 005 g ADJUSTMENTS Frequency Response 8 1 Audio Section 1e rnpr s nriiiui vli np oun t i ff T iorTln t 2 aa 8 2 TunerSection 20 l V 50kilohms 9 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 24 OUtPUt 10 p ...

Страница 3: ... A P T O R I N Attenuator FM Tuner Section Usable Sensitivity lHF 50dBOuieting Sensitivity MONO S T E R E O Signal to Noise Ratio M O N O STEREO Distortion at65dBf M O N O 1 0 0 H 2 l k H z 6 k H z S T E R E O1 0 0 H 2 i k H z 105dB 20d8 9 8dBf 1 7pV 14 2dBf 2 8pV 36dBf 34 7pV 83dB at65dBf 78dB at80dBf 0 1o o o o7 o J O 27o o 15 O 2To 650mV 2 4 kilohms 20OmV 2 4 kilohms t 5 o 89 62 A C 1 2 0 V 6 0...

Страница 4: ...en adjustingthe bassand treble controls Whensetto the OFF position the tone control c i r c u i t s a r e d i s e n g a g e d a n d f r e q u e n c y r e s p o n s e i s f a t Thisfunct ionis c onve nie nt for che cki ngph on ocar tr idg e and speakertone quality and listeningroom acoustics O TREBLE TURNOVER SWITCH Use this switch to change over the frequency in which the sound adjustment with the...

Страница 5: ... listen to the sound from two pairs of speakersystemsat the same tim e six 39cl f LOWFILTER SWITCH 15H2 Depressthis switch in the event that turntable rumble recordingcutting noise or other low frequency noise becomes objectionable Attenuation in the frequency bandbelow 15Hz is6dB octave G HIGHFILTER SWITCH 8kHz Depress this switch if record scratchnoiseor other high frequency noise becomesobjecti...

Страница 6: ...requencY disPlaY BRIGHT When usingthe receiverin daylight or other FUNCTION SELECTOR Deoressthe function switch which corresponds to the program source Turn the volume control down first before selectinga different function switch while the soundfrom one programsourceisbeingreproduced F M AM Depress thisswitchfor FM broadcasts Deoress thisswitchfor AM broadcasts AUX Depressthis switch when listeni...


Страница 8: parallel in a series resonancecircuit equippedwith a crystal resona i r irt resonance frequencyis the sameasthe IF fr qr r y 10 MHz which meansthe impedance at it ls time will be minimal resulting in the out fut beingreducedto a minimum level If the input iruq r rr y increases the reactanceof the capaci tanie stage C is reduced and the reactance of the ir rar tun u stage L increased resulting i...

Страница 9: ...nd MUT control circuit Composite signal Inprt Ou tpu t JUIIUUUIJUIJU I switchins in r r S I n L Fig 4 2 ChopperType SwitchingCircuit 4 2 AM TUNER SECTION The AM tuner section consists of a 2 ganged tuning capacitor plus an IC HA1197 which con tains a 1 stage RF amplifier converter 2 stageIF amplifier detector and AGC circuit The AM STEREO OUT terminal on the rear panel is for connecting to an AM s...

Страница 10: ...ion of switching dis tortion and reducesheat loss This circuit is outlined in Fig 4 6 When there is no signal applied to the circuit Q1 and Q2 are almost iut off while Q3 and Q4 will be on The uoitug across the collector and base of both of these transistors Q3 and Q4 at this time may be disregarded Consequently with the power stage l l I nl bias circuit consistingof 4 PN junctions formed by Q3 D3...

Страница 11: ...uipped with 12 pairs of voltage com parators These comparators are biased at increas ing levels so each comparator will commence to operate separately as the input level increases And since these comparators apply the voltagesto the output power indicator segments each succes sive segment will light up in tum as the input level rises L P F F M A M S E L E C T I O N F L T U B E S I G N A L Fig 4 9 ...

Страница 12: ...The 2 reception d t emptovedin the SX 3900 seeTable 1 are J bv varving the combination of input i iH uni l rri s different IFs during FM re required in coping witir f offset in the IF ceramic filter stage 53 and 54 being preset arrring FM mode acc ordingto the ceramic filter characteristics Aftfto gft the SX 3900 FM stage quartz lock Vrt is capable of locking any frequency within ir FM bani the 10...

Страница 13: in Q24 being tumed on and Q25 turned off which means that the center tuning indicator will not be lit up Once the broadcasting frequency has been tuned properly the voltages on pin nos 2 4 will be equal Consequently Q22 and Q23 will both be turned off which means that neither of the detun ing direction indicators will be on in this case And since Q24 is turned off because of the de creased bas...

Страница 14: ...C4 will rapidly discharge If the voltage is negative QB tums on C4 will rapidly discharge As consequence Q6 will turn off and the relay will become de energized thus causingthe output circuit to oPen OverloadDetection The overload detector circuit incorporates the load RL in one sideof a Wheatstonebridge see Fig 4 15 The base and emitter of a sensing tra nsistor Q2 are connected to the opposite co...

Страница 15: ...tact S2 is open But when this switch S1 is tumed ON the sudden surgeof current is passedthrough R1 thereby greatly reducing the flow of current When the output DC voltage of the power supply circuit reachesa certain prescribedlevel 52 will close and R1 consequently be by passed The time required for this to occur however is considerably shorter than the time required for the muting circuit to oper...

Страница 16: ...h MUTING 2OdB ASK 1 52 4 gangvariableresistor VOLUME ACW 304 Leverswitch MODE ASK 152 variableresistor BALANCE ACT 133 Remote lever switch TAPEMONITOR ASX 1 31 Remoteleverswitch ADAPTOR DUPLICATE ASX 128 minal PREAMP OUT POWERAMP lN AKB 063 ATerminal SPEAKERS AKE 054 I AC socket ACOUTLETS AKP 041 I AC power cord ADG O29 Terminal TAPE ADAPTOR AKB 063 AMM 087 knob POWER TONE ADAPTOR DUPLICATE TAPEMO...

Страница 17: ...10 Bottom View Tuner assembly GWE 132 s 39clct Speakers terminal assembly GW3 222 Equalizerassembly AWM 226 Poweramplifier assembly AWH 097 Detector assembly GWX 463 Tuner assembly GWE 132 Indicatorassembly AWV OO8 Lamp socket AKK OO5 Lamp wedgetypel AE L 029 Tone amplifier assembly GWG 140 r t ...

Страница 18: ...g drum 2 times and finally tie it to the spring so that it is tensioned Tuningcapacitor E D Dialpointer 7 Tum the tuning shaft and check that the cord movessmoothly Cut off any excess cord 8 Tum the tuning shaft counter clockwiseas far asit will go 9 Align the dial pointer with the startingpoint of the dial scale third division from the left and then passthe cord over it 10 Check that the dial poi...

Страница 19: ...nals No 12 andNo 11 2 Adjust VR4 R for 56mV between terminals No 9 andNo 10 3 Adjust VRb L for 70mV between terminals No 12 andNo 11 4 Adjust VR6 R for 70mV between terminals No 9 andNo 10 Powertransformer sx 3s clcl Output PowerIndicatorCalibration 1 Apply a IkHz signal to the POWER AMP IN terminals or any other input power amplifier input terminals 2 Adjust the level of this input signal so that...

Страница 20: ...900to this position fine adjust the tuning knob to ensure a DC 0V reading betweenno 8 and no 7 terminals 12 Then rotate the B core of T2 to reducedistor tion in the demodulator output TAPE REC terminal to minimum 13 Repeatsteps9 to 12 aboveuntil both specifica tions aresatisfactorilYmet 14 Set the FM SG output to 98MHz and 60dB and tune the SX 3900to this position 1 5 Adjust VR2 so that the SIGNAL...

Страница 21: of DC 0V within r30mV between terminal no 9 andground 28 Set the FM SG modulationto 40OHz x7lkHz deviation 29 Rotate the A core of T201 to minimize AC signallevelbetweenno 9 and ground rr vR2 L2 To TAPEREC terminal Fig 8 2 Adjustmentof the tuning coils sx 3900 Distortionmeter MPX signalgenerator l A T 2 t l l_9 D TC4 TC3 TC2 Tunerassembly s 8 0 7 A I f f i t rh ffi ffi r I AC voltmeter Oscillo...

Страница 22: ...c filters F1 F3 5 ranks color coded If the SX 3900 frequency display reads 97 95MHz or 98 05MH2 when a 98 00MH2 signal is applied to the receiver adjust TC1 so that the displayreads98 00MH2correctly If an accurate98 00MH2 input signalsourceis not available tune the receiver to the nearest known broadcasting station in the 98MHz re gion and check that the station s frequencyis correctly displayed a...

Страница 23: ...hen set to 1400kH2 and set the AM SG out put frequencyto 1400kH2 six 39ocl 8 Adjust TC6 to obtain maximum demodulated output at TAPE REC terminal 9 Repeatsteps5 to 8 above l 0 Set the SX 3900 dial pointer to 600kHz and the AM SG output frequencyto 600kHz 11 Slide the bar antennacoil along the core to find the position which givesmaximum demo dulatedoutput at TAPE REC terminal 12 Tune to 1400kH2 an...

Страница 24: ...Cs 2SA726S 2SA979 2SA985A N rO Nl t t I r ffpf r ot o il t l u 2sAe78 i rr 2SA1100 25C2575 F r otno _ l I i lLL l l rYPe No P ilil a q l l c u 2sA7so E 2SC1400 2SA1076 25C2526 A t 0 i_ ffi B u l l 2SC461 2SC535 c rypeNo F m _ Lot No I a t r f i iJll l ll B U c u zSC1384 f l n ltn l o o tl J t 0 o K il E U I I C U 2SD313P Nr f nr s 6 Dot r ll l 4 rYe N _ rsN I iPl t o o il iU u il tl B v t l TA7318...

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Страница 28: ...y Powersupplyassembly Speakers terminalassembly Switch assembly Headphones jack assembly Rectifierassembly Symbol Description 25C2526 2SA1076 FUSES Part No o1 o4 o5 08 Svmbol Description PLl PL3 Lamp wedgetype PL4 PL5 PL7 PL8 Lampwith wires PL6 Lamp with wires PL9 PL10 Lampwith wires Lamp with wires Lampwith wires Symbol Description 41 ncc oot i 4rr 676 1 ntt ozs ATB 624 A nrp o r i noc ozs AKB 07...

Страница 29: ...C98 c91 c33 C43 C56 C69 C85 c73 c80 c30 c76 c71 c36 C83 C84 L t z c54 c 51 C85 C3 C4 C78 Whenordering resistors conuert the resistance ualueitto code form and then rewrite the part no as before Symbol Description c20 c52 c 1 9 c11 Ceramic390p 50V 3SK73 2SK34 2SK168 2SC1906 2SC535 A H A 12 0 1 NJM4558DV PA3007 A P44006 A H A 1 1 9 7 2SC1 919 25C2515 2SC945A 2SA1100 2SA733A H A 12 0 10 MZ 061 wz 061...

Страница 30: ...0 COMA 123J50 coMA 124J50 CEANL R33M 50 C E A N L O l O M5 0 C E A N L l O O M5 0 C E A N LO R l M 5 0 CEA 47OM25L CEA 47OM5OL C E A l O i M 1 O L C E A N L 4 R 7 M 5 0 Note RESISTORS Part No c5 c6 c11 C12 C3 C4 c 1 3 C 1 4 a l l r 1 a c23 C24 C27 C28 c25 C26 C29 C30 c15 C16 C19 C20 c17 C18 C21 C22 C33 C34 c35 C36 c37 C38 c9 c10 c39 C42 C7 C8 c1 c2 When ordering resistors conuert the resistanceual...

Страница 31: ...0104 havethe G rank 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 103 01 04 should have theE rank i1 it 010 5 0 106 010 7 o 108 o 1 0 9 o 1 1 0 o 111 0 11 2 0 1 1 7 4 1 1 8 0 113 0114 011 9 01 20 0 11 5 o 1 1 6 0 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 a 123 4124 a125 0126 o l 37 o139 0 1 3 3 o 1 3 4 o 1 3 5 o 1 3 6 o14 0 D 1 0 1 D 1 0 6 D 1 0 9 D 1 1 0 D 111 D 11 2 D 1 1 7 D 1 1 8 D 1 1 3 D 1 1 6 D12 9 D130 D 132 D1 33 D 1 3 1 T h 1 0 1 T h 1 0 2 Sy...

Страница 32: ...l tr F RS2PDlD J SEMICONDUCTORS Part No R 1 R 1 2 R 1 5 R 1 6 R 2 1 R 4 6 R 1 3 R 1 4 R 1 7 R 2 0 R47 Symbol Description 2SA978 2SC17l5A 2SC1885 254912 1S1555 152076 OTHERS Part No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 D 1 D 2 Symbol Description 2SK34 25D31 3P 2SC1 885 254912 2S8682 258507 2SC1 915 2SA905 2SD31 3 25C2575 1 Cl trRtr 152076 A roez K Z L 14 0 MZ 110 wz 1 10 MZ 13 0 wz 1 30 MZ 17 7 wz 1 7 71 OT HER...

Страница 33: ...ible Blue or brown Orange or gray Symbol Description o The crvstalresonator ASS 012 symbol no X1 in the detector assemblv GWX 463 is availablein 3 different types correspond ing to the lF offset valuesof the FM ceramicfilters ATF I04 svmbol nos F1 F3 in the tuner assembly GWE 1 32I These mav be identified by the different colored dots red blue orange at the head When replacingcrystal resonators ch...

Страница 34: ...ription the importance of the to useparts of identical Key No part No Description 1 DCK40P150FZK 2 AMM_087 3 vBz30P080FMC 4 AN8_861 4 1 AAD 226 4 2 AAD 227 5 WA92F140U100 6 NK9OFUC 7 AAD 139 B AAB 239 9 AAB 238 10 444_065 Woodencoverassembly Front panelassembly Knob A Knob B Knob for leverswitch Knob BASS TREBLE T U R N O V E R B A L A N C E Knob VOLUME Knob Tuning 1 1 Food 12 vBz40POSoFMc 13 AEC ...

Страница 35: ...rd holder R EO holderA EO holderB Reinforcedplate Ground plate Acrylic board SpacerA Spacer B Rod Pulleyassembly PulleyassemblyS Tuningdrum assemblY Tuning shaft assembly SPring Reinforcedchannel Mountingclamp Leverswitch POWER Remoteswitch A A A 46 ASX 1 31 41 48 49 50 ACG 001 51 AKP 041 52 ADG 029 54 AK8 076 55 ATT 676 Remote switch Remotebelt Remotebelt Remotebelt Ceramiccapacitor AC socket AC ...

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Страница 37: ...the part Therefore when replacing be sure to useparts of identical designation KeyNo PartNo Description 1 VBZ3OPO6OFMC 2 3 VMH3OP120FMC 4 5 25C2526 6 2SA1076 7 AEC 488 8 AKH 010 9 10 11 BBT3OPOSOFZK 12 13 AWH 097 14 VBZ30P080FMC 15 STV2H 16 WA33F 100M100 Holder Socket stopper Insulatorwafer Transistorsocket Heatsink PA holderA PA holderB Poweramplifier assembly ...

Страница 38: ... PACKING w l i PartsList Key No Part No Description 1 A R 8 3 5 4 2 ADH 002 3 AHA 247 4 AHC 042 5 AH D 756 6 AHA 251 Operating instructions T type FM antenna Sidepad Insidepacking Packingcase Rearpad 4 0 ...

Страница 39: ...B E A C H C A L I F O R N I A 9 0 8 0 1 P H O N E 2 i 3 1 4 2 0 5 7 0 0 F A X 2 1 3 4 2 0 5 9 0 2 MooelrSX J900 KU S G SUgJfCf Addition of resistors into Power AmpAssernbly RgnSOru For easier Idle current adjustment R200 R201 Added 100rr RDl 4PM1OlJNL Srnvr cr lvlnruunt PRe e SX 3900series ApplrcABLE SrRtRtNo ART 457 21 55 SX 39OO KU sx 3900 s c 3603601 290455L J lrc ...

Страница 40: ...the KU type service of thissupplements SPECIFICATIONS Thespecifications for S G type is the same asthe KU typeexcept for fol lowing sections Miscellaneous Power Requirements AC 110112012201240V switchable 50 60H2 P o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n 3 1 0 w Weight withoutpackage 21kg 46lb 5 oz This additionalservice manualwith exception ...

Страница 41: ...EK 1 02 AEK 10 6 AEK 10 6 AEK 10 8 Symbol Description Part No Remarks KU type S G type P L 1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 PLl PL8 PL9 P L l O P L 11 PLl2 Lamp wedgetYPe Lamp wedgetype Lamp wedgetype Lamp with wires Lamp with wires Lamp with wires Lamp with wires Lampwith wires Lamp with wires Lampwith wires Lamp with wires Lamp with wires AE L 029 AE L 029 AEL O29 AE L 069 AEL O69 AE L 095 A EL 069 AE L 06...

Страница 42: ... AWS 147 OTHERS Symbol Description Part No Remarks KU type S G type ac1 c2 c3 T1 T2 T3 A A Ceramiccapacitor PowertransJormer Powertransformer Bar a ntenna AC socket AC OUTLETS AC power cord Terminal AM STEREOOUT Transistorsocket Lamp socket Jumperplug ACG 001 coMA 224K250 ATT 676 4TT 675 ATB 624 AKP 041 ADG 029 AKB 076 AKH OlO AKK OOS AKM OO4 ACG 001 coMA 224K250 ATT 682 4TT 681 ATB 624 AKP O41 AD...

Страница 43: ...Rectifier Assembly AWR 214 FuseHolderAssembly forS Gtype De emphasis Assembly AWS I 47 50 ...

Страница 44: ... conuert the resistance ualue into code form and then rewrite the part no as before Symbol DescriPtion Rl Wire wound 3 3 20W ACN 019 SEMICONDUCTORS Part No Symbol Oescription J J I C I b S t c t h OTHERS Part No Symbol DescriPtion ASR 069 RelaY AEX 0O1 F1 Temperature sensitive fuse PartsListof De emphasis Assembly AWS 147 Part No Symbol Description cosH 751J50 C1 C2 cosH 152J50 c3 c4 D1 D2 A S H 0...

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Страница 47: ... Mesuno ku Tokyo 153 Japen U FIC NEEn ELECTFICtNIea CC F FigllATlClN E 5 Oxford OFive Moonachie New Jerlsy O7O74 U S A FIC NEEE ELECTFTCINIC IEUFICIPE N Luitl gen Haven I POSO Antwerp Belgium FfCINCEa ELECTRCIJ ICa A JaTF ALIA FTY L E 178 184 Bounddny Road ElFeeside Victonia 3195 Auatnalia ...
