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Содержание SX-1500T

Страница 1: ...e_ voltage selector provision which conditions the unit for any of f ive line voltage operations 240V 220V 130V II7i and 110 V Model sx 1500T operates only on 1i7V line voltage 2 Model SX 1500TO is set to 240V operation when shipped If this unit is used in a different line voltage area read and follow LINE VOLTAGE SELECTION AND FUSE on page 1 Be sure that the line voltage setting on your unit agre...

Страница 2: ...ed in the receiver include two pairs of pllONO MAG inputs When two turntables are connected to these inputs the user is able to switch from one turntable to the other any time at wrll AIso two pairs of loudspeaker outputs are included for switching between or for per mitting the simultaneous use of two loudspeakers The electronic switching circuitry employed in the power supply cornpletely protect...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ... e s s 160 X10kHz TUNING FI 4 STEREO EXTRA FRONT varr J MArN FxTRA LT REAR FRONT REAR NORl l LOW HIGH FILTER FILTER AFC MODE TAPE MON STEREO STEREO RT IT RT SS MUTING oH P f I oIJ N 4AX MIN T I 4AX LEF RIGHT MIN 1 N AX Fig 3 18 19 20 21 222324 2627 2829 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ...

Страница 5: ... static noise from fluorescent lamps or other interference When no such no se s present this switch is norma ly set to 0FF 14 MUTING SWITCH When an FM station is tuned n setting this switch to MUT NG will el minate interference noises between FM stations For re ception of a weak srgnal station the switch should be set to OFF 15 AFC SW TCH The function of the AFC automatic frequency control circuit...

Страница 6: ...put jacks 26 PH0N0 1 When using a turntable that is equipped with a magnetic cartridge the output cables should be connected to these input lacks 27 PH0N0 2 When using two turntables which are equipped with a magnetic cartrdge the output cables of the second turntable should be connected to these input jacks 28 GND 2 lf a turntable equipped with a ground lead is used the ground lead should also be...

Страница 7: ...secured to the wall or to any support Oln regions where the f urnished indoor T shaped antenna provides poor results such as many noises or poor channel separation an outdoor FM antenna may be required ln this case the leads from the outdoor antenna should also be connected to the FM antenna terminals 24 For information about the outdoor FNI antenna consult a TV shop in Your area OG rou nd ln some...

Страница 8: equipped with either a ceramic or a crystal pickup cartridge the output leads are connected to the pHONO CER input jacks 29 The upper input jack is for the left channel and the lower 1s for the right channel When a monaural turntable is used the output cable may be connected to either the upper input jack or the lower Tape recorder connections For making recordings The signals of the program ...

Страница 9: to either the MODE LEFT or MODE RIGHT position depending upon which channel input the output cable of the turntable is connected to Direct reproduction of tape head outputs OWhen the signal directly derived from the playback head of a tape deck is reproduced through this receiver the operation will be as follows 1 The SELECTOR switch 5 is set to either the TAPE HD 7 I z or TAPE HD 33 4 position...

Страница 10: ... Static noise in FM reception iin particular when automo biles run close to the house OWhite noises generated from automobile en gi n es ORadio frequency sew ng machine or weld ing mach ne being used near your house In an area surrounded by hills or high buildings the FM input signals are very weak Thus the noise limiter in the circuit looses its function Set up an outdoor FNI antenna having many ...

Страница 11: ... 1 400 KHz CT 6 Repeat STEPS 4 and 5 several times 7 6 00 KHz 30 dB 600 KHz T sor Ferrite Anten na Adjusting core 8 ooo r I I 400 KHz IE __ _ l l 9 tt 1 _ Repeat STEPS 7 and 8 several times STEPS Circuite to be adj usted Signal Generator lnput Connect A I ign me n t Coupl i ng lnput Signal Adj ust Remarks SCA Fi I ter Audio Oscilletor to lN 66 KHz iTOmV AC VTVM TP zos L zo Adjust to get minimum de...

Страница 12: I o ru n parr ot S uru wrtt be steppesr r zoq I oo rrt seconddry sroe I I so that center ot S curve wtll cotlctde wtrl nt of marker 5 Connect output terminal of front end 1 2 to lN terminal of lF unit 6 TP of Front end 40 dB Point of no interference as near as 88 MHz MET Top of T oz l t o I Ad uit to get TaxiTUm 0 I selsrlivrly drd syrmetry Troa I 7 80 dB Check synmetry ot CUTVC 8 40 dB OUT I z...

Страница 13: ...REBLE BALANCE VOLUT 4E DIAL CORD STRINGING PCWER TRANSFORM ER T52 1 r5 SX 1500T F T52 r 14 lSX r500T I o n llrul oll r u z z rll 1i itwr4 uun i ou lt 10 ooolo 0 s o o e zo z l _ l E e Hg lFeF lt i ir 2 t r ai w14 oo4 6 w l oooo o w1 1 028 T or CT r CT r llq M r 5 l t 2 tY ol Lr AGC t o tr 0 Ittat 11 lp f t t s ozz rr3 on 173 022 r74 oo3 l rrp g p rtATO3E L ATO3E sA7O3E rAT03EJWDlrol ...

Страница 14: ...ol amp unit Main amp unit wl 1 028 0 w12 020 0 w13 021D w 14 004 C wl5 089 0 w l 5 090 0 w1s 091 0 14 Symbol Description P att No Dr D2 Qr Qz Q Q rhr Thz SV 3A Diode 2SC793 Transistor 1 6D 47 Thermistor Symbol Descri ption Part No Ll Lz L Powertransformer SX 1 5O0TO AIV Ferri teroopstick Antenna coil Heater chork coil Chork coil 100rH T52 I I 5 r 42 Ot4 I r 42 O25 t T24 0 30 Symbol Description Par...

Страница 15: ...llILS AND TRANSF lRMER OI lDES AND TRANSIST lRS FM rF UtlIT W12 020 CAPACIT RS Symbol Descriptic Part No T or f zoz L o r L oz L o Lsoq L or FM ANT coil FM lF Transformers RF coil RF Choke coil OSC coil T22 O13 0 T7 3 O20 0 T21 013 0 T 23 O26 C T24 O2A A T23 032 0 Symbol Description Part No Q or Q oz Q o Deor 3SK22 FET 2SC461 Transistor 2SC461 Transistor 1S85 Variable Capacitor Diode Symbol Descri...

Страница 16: ...A Tzor lF Transformer T 0 Tzo T zo COI POUI ll PART Sy mbo I Desc iptro Part No Descriminalo w53 040 0 Symbo I Description Part No Cror Croz C zo Czo Czos C zoo a7a7 Czoe C zos Czro Crr r Ctp Czr Ctv Czr Czro Cttt Czrs Ct zo Ctzt Ctzq E ecirolytic Mylar Ceramrc St y rol Electrolytic Sty rol Electrolytic Styrol E ect rolytic Styro E ectrolyiic Ceramic 2 2 1 OV a o2 5OV 68P o a2 5a TO IOV o oo5 x5oo...

Страница 17: Rsrr Rsrs Rsr Rsrs Rlro Rsrz Rsra Rsrg Rszo Rszr Rszz Rsza Rszs Rszo Rszu Carbon film 330K 2 2K 47K lK 2 2K 3 3K 27K 1K 2 2K 470 220 47K 220K 2 2K 2 7K 2 2K T2K 8 2K 47K 1K 100 2 2K 470 22K w Symbol Description Part No C C C C C C C c c c C C C c C c C c c C 0t 02 03 04 05 06 o7 08 09 10 1l 12 l3 I4 15 l6 tr7 8 t19 t20 El ectrol yt i c Styrol El ectrol yti c Styrol El ectrol yti c myl ar 10 500...

Страница 18: ...Csos Csoo Ceor Caoa Csog Cero Cet t Csrz Car Cer Cgrs Cgro Cer z Csr e Cers C szo E lectrolytic M ylar f tectrolytic non Pol erl El ectrol yti c lVlylar El ectrol yti c Ceramic El ectrol yti c Ceramic 10 0 05 5 0 05 100 1 00P 50 220 l5v 50v 25V 50v 3V 500v RESISTORS Rr Rz R Ra R5 Re Rz Rs Rg Rro Rrr Rrz R r Rr Rrr Rro Rrz Rre Rrg Rzo Rzr Rzz Rz Rzq R s Rzo Rzt Rzs Rzs 330K 33K 8 2K 1K 2 2K 6 8K 1K...

Страница 19: ...K 2 2K 150 220 33 220 r 2w 2W P0wER SUPPTY UNtT W t6 018 CAPACITllRS Symbol Descri pt i on Part No Cgor C goz Cgor C so Csos Csoo El ectrol yti c 100 10 100 200 50v 25V 15V RESIST lRS Symbol Description Part No Rgor R goz R go R so Rgos R soo Rsoz Rgoe wire wound Carbon film 1K 22K 33t 18K 3 3K 47 680 2W w DIODES AND TRANSISTtlRS Symbol Descri ption Part No Dsor Dgoz Dgo Dso Dso r D soe Dgoz Qsor ...

Страница 20: ...J JIJ 21 I f AM TUNER UNIT FM FRONT El D FM IF UilIT FM FRONT END wt1 028 zSC461G FI 1 IF IJNIT w12 O20 ru a A 103E e pA lo3E e orAA o3E o o4 At03E wlzTRoNlcs lNc MPX UNIT IlPX UNIT S 13 O2l t10N0 STEREO B l6mA 165nA lfl k tff ob o o o zscero 0o Ors 0A 9 20 ...

Страница 21: ... Rne 50 25 rriis I r roi an i r i i i1 L ia rl il L LJ I T 0 033 i a IE IE t t L I I q a ldElrarTER I L J _ll r l r i I ALil5I qp Rils POWER SUPPLY UNIT POWFR SI PPLY UNIT w16 010 o a0 cro l ex y I rn I sw r oz 4 l i J Qsil 25C62 l Y O a s O jr io I I I I Y I I I I I I r u o 2 ro4 c llHe Q5022SC620 L frS l n Qso32sc486 I I o o I I sD t z L F i r i I Dsou J I I I g i 1 a rt _ t 1t l I 9 r o o JRA D...

Страница 22: ... H E 6EF A trLLFF 9PdrirD zY Nlos o clN Nn ad Ao F o o II X a rE rII A 9Al I e t o l E 6 v rc av 6 G oo ro o N o n N o o o o E d _e 3 u2jo tzd zzzu d tr at ildLts FF a 5 tB 092 ot uA 0s ozz eJ E s l v F f o F f o 6E 9 f r 0 a UFI t z F U Uq Fda5 Jc d 5 3 F o o i u g 4 A cr z Y u U OFO 6 i FVF rJ r o_ 21 X o oY z zo ola tt EiE HaE E E H i77 F VNN TNV rnaNl llt NNVH3 rfl lN 1H9lU IINNVH 0 o o I lo a...

Страница 23: ... AM Tuner Unit Wl4 004 FM MPX unit W 1 3 021 FM if unit Wl2 020 23 WIZTRCNIGS INC ...

Страница 24: ...i ffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi F s s stijtb st sfa F t 43 r iI u uL ffi t u e s rffi o ri I j t jf H s ffi it i gxw k F t u F n k roo 3 ffi fll F fuffi Rera Ru4 ffiS tu I l l ffiFn ffitruH ff s i Q l q V t 22A 33 t lt 3 3 r t3 3 t3 t 3 3 t 3 l t u till 1 f o s r o o o s q o ri dtut u i il rl o l Rfor 1 i d l tir i ti r n irl rli1r ii il iii p 1 ueL 2SC620 H ffi l r O 4321 1 WIZTRONICS ING ...

Страница 25: ...nt with oui notice oMultaplex C ircu itry Section Time switching type de modulator FM Mono Stereo Automatic selection 37dB at l kHz Tone Controls BASS boost 12d8 cut 14dB at 50Hz each channel TREBLE boost 10d8 cut 11 5d8 at 1O kHz Filters LOW cut 6 0d8 at 50Hz HIGH cut 10 0d8 at 10kHz Loudness Contour Switchable to 0N 0FF boost 12dB at 50H2 boost 6 5 dB at 10 kHz with VOLUME control set at 40d8 Po...
