"Made for iPod" and "Made for iPhone"
mean that an electronic accessory has
been designed to connect specifically to
iPod ог iPhone, respectively, and has been
certified Ьу the developer to meet Apple
performance standards. Apple is not
responsiЬle for the operation of this device
ог its compliance with safety and
regulatory standards. Please note that the
use of this accessory with iPod ог iPhone
may affect wireless performance.
Android & Google Play
Android, Google Play, and the Google Play
logo аге trademarks of Google lnc.
SiriusXM Satellite Radio
Sirius, ХМ and all related marks and logos
are trademarks of Sirius ХМ Radio lnc. AII
rights reserved.
internet radio
PANDORA, the PANDORA logo, and the
Pandora trade dress are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Pandora Media,
lnc. Used with permission.
MIXTRAX is а trademark of the PIONEER
SPOTIFY and the Spotify logo are among
the registered trademarks of Spotify АВ.
T-Kernel 2.0
This product uses the source code of T
Kernel 2.0 under T-License 2.0 granted Ьу
T-Engine Forum
Copyright (С) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
Licensed under the Apache License,
Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the
Unless required Ьу applicaЫe law ог
agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS
CONDITIONS OF ANY КIND, either express
or implied.
See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Power source: 14.4 V ОС (10.8 V to 15.1 V
Grounding system: Negative type
Maximum current consumption: 1 О.О А
Dimensions (W х Н х О):
Chassis: 178 mm х 100 mm х 165 mm
(7 in. х 3-7/8 in. х 6-1/2 in.)
Nose: 170 mm х 96 mm х 16 mm (6-
3/4 in. х 3-3/4 in. х 5/8 in.)
Weight: 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs)
Maximum power output:
• 50 W х 4 ch/4 О (for no subwoofer)
• 50 W х 2 ch/4 О+ 70 W х 1 ch/2 О
(for subwoofer)
Continuous power output:
22 W х 4 (50 Hz to 1 5 ООО Hz, 5 %
THD, 4 О load, both channels driven)
Load impedance: 4 О (4 О to 8 О (2 О for 1
ch) allowaЫe)
Preout maximum output level: 2.0 V
Equalizer (13-Band Graphic Equalizer):
Frequency: 50 Hz/80 Hz/125 Hz/200
Hz/315 Hz/500 Hz/800 Hz/1.25 kHz/2
kHz/3. 15 kHz/5 kHz/8 kHz/12.5 kHz
Gain: ±12 dB (2 dB step)
High pass filter (Standard mode):
Frequency: 50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100
Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz
Slope: -6 dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/
oct, -24 dB/oct, OFF
Subwoofer/Low pass filter (Standard
Frequency: 50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100
Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz
Slope: -6 dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/
oct, -24 dB/oct, OFF
Gain: + 1 О dB to -24 dB (1 dB step)
Phase: Normal/Reverse
Speaker level (Standard mode):
+ 1 О dB to -24 dB (1 dB step)
Time alignment (Standard mode):
О lnch to 140 lnch (1 inch/Step)
Bass boost (Standard mode):
Gain: + 12 dB to О dB
High pass filter (HIGH) (Network mode):
Frequency: 1 .25 kHz/1 .6 kHz/2 kHz/
2.5 kHz/3.15 kHz/4 kHz/5 kHz/6.3 kHz/
8 kHz/1 О kHz/12.5 kHz
Slope: -6 dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/
oct, -24 dB/oct
High pass filter (МЮ) (Network mode):
Frequency: 25 Hz/31.5 Hz/40 Hz/50
Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 Hz/160
Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Slope: -6 dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/
oct, -24 dB/oct, OFF
Low pass filter (МЮ) (Network mode):
Frequency: 1.25 kHz/1.6 kHz/2 kHz/
2.5 kHz/3.15 kHz/4 kHz/5 kHz/6.3 kHz/
8 kHz/1 О kHz/12.5 kHz
Slope: -6 dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/
oct, -24 dB/oct, OFF
Subwoofer (Network mode):
Frequency: 25 Hz/31.5 Hz/40 Hz/50
Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/125 Hz/160
Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Slope: -12 dB/oct, -18 dB/oct, -24 dB/
oct, -30 dB/oct, -36 dB/oct, OFF
Gain: + 1 О dB to -24 dB (1 dB step)
Phase: Norma 1/Reverse
Speaker level (Network mode):
+ 1 О dB to -24 dB (1 dB step)
Тime alignment (Network mode):
О lnch to 140 lnch (1 inch/Step)
Bass boost (Network mode):
Gain: + 12 dB to О dB
USB standard specification: USB 2.0 full
Maximum current supply: 1 А
USB Protocol:
MSC (Mass Storage Class)
МТР (Media Transfer Protocol)
АОА (Android Open Accessory) 2.0
File system: FATl 2, FAТl 6, FАТЗ2
МРЗ decoding format: MPEG-1 & 2 Audio
Layer 3
WMA decoding format: Ver. 7, 7. 1, 8, 9, 1 О,
11 (2 ch audio) (Windows Media
ААС decoding format: MPEG-4 ААС (iTunes
encoded only) (Ver. 10.6 and earlier)
FLAC decoding format: vl .3.0 (Free
Lossless Audio Codec)
WAV signal format: Linear РСМ & MS
ADPCM (Non-compressed)
FM tuner
Frequency range: 87.9 MHz to 107.9 MHz
UsaЫe sensitivity: 11 dBf (1.0 µV/75 О,
mono, S/N: 30 dB)