- 60 -
Display method:
TFT Active matrix driving
Colour system:
Temperature range:
-10 ˚C to +60 ˚C
Maximum power output:
50 W × 4
Continuous power output:
22 W × 4 (50 Hz to 15 kHz, 5 %THD, 4 Ω
LOAD, Both Channels Driven)
Load impedance:
4 Ω (4 Ω to 8 Ω allowable)
Preout output level (max): 2.0 V
Equaliser (13-Band Graphic Equaliser):
50 Hz/80 Hz/125 Hz/200 Hz/315 Hz/
500 Hz/800 Hz/1.25 kHz/2 kHz/3.15
kHz/5 kHz/8 kHz/12.5 kHz
Gain: ±12 dB (2 dB/step)
25 Hz/32 Hz/40 Hz/50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/
100 Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
25 Hz/32 Hz/40 Hz/50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/
100 Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Bass boost:
Gain: +12 dB to 0 dB (2 dB/step)
Speaker level:
+10 dB to -24 dB (1 dB/step)
USB standard spec:
USB 1.1, USB 2.0 full speed, USB 2.0 high
Max current supply: 1.5 A
USB Class:
MSC (Mass Storage Class)
File system: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS
<USB audio>
MP3 decoding format:
MPEG-1 & 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3
WMA decoding format:
Ver. 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2 (2 ch audio)
AAC decoding format:
MPEG-4 AAC (iTunes encoded only) (Ver.
12.5 and earlier)
FLAC decoding format:
Ver. 1.3.0 (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
WAV signal format:
Linear PCM
Sampling frequency:
Linear PCM:
16 kHz/22.05 kHz/24 kHz/32 kHz/44.1
kHz/48 kHz
<USB image>
JPEG decoding format:
.jpeg, .jpg
Pixel Sampling: 4:2:2, 4:2:0
Decode Size:
MAX: 5 000 (H) × 5 000 (W)
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W)
(Maximum file size: 6 MB)
PNG decoding format:
Decode Size:
MAX: 576 (H) × 720 (W)
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W)
BMP decoding format:
Decode Size:
MAX: 936 (H) × 1 920 (W)
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W)
<USB video>
H.264 video decoding format:
Base Line Profile, Main Profile, High
H.263 video decoding format:
Base Line Profile 0/3
VC-1 video decoding format:
Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced
AVI video decoding format
MPEG4 video decoding format:
Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile
MPEG1, 2 video decoding format:
Main Profile
Quick Time video decoding format