About the Data for the Map
Modifications related to roads, streets/high-
ways, terrain, construction and other things
before/during the development period may
not be reflected in this database. Inevitably,
those modifications after that period are
not reflected in this database.
For more details about the map coverage of
this navigation system, refer to the informa-
tion on our website.
It is strictly prohibited to reproduce and use
any part or the whole of this map in any
form without permission from the copyright
If the local traffic regulations or conditions
deviate from this data, follow the local traf-
fic regulations (such as signs, indications,
etc.) and conditions (such as construction,
weather, etc.).
The traffic regulation data used in the map
database applies only to standard sized
passenger vehicles. Note that regulations
for larger vehicles, motorbikes, and other
non-standard vehicles are not included in
the database.
Copyright Notices for
North American data
1) Tele Atlasâ MultiNetâ North America data.
As of the Effective Date, the copyright notice
for Tele Atlasâ MultiNetâ North America is:
2009 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved.
This material is proprietary and the subject of
copyright protection and other intellectual
property rights owned or licensed to Tele Atlas.
Tele Atlas is an authorized distributor of se-
lected Statistics Canada computer files under
Agreement number 6776. The product in-
cludes information copied with permission
from Canadian authorities, including
da Post Corporation and GeoBaseâ, All rights
reserved. The product is sourced in part from
Geography Division, Statistics Canada, 2006
Road Network File (RNF), 92-500-XWE/XWF.
The incorporation of data sources from Statis-
tics Canada within this product shall not be
construed as constituting an endorsement by
Statistics Canada of such product. The use of
this material is subject to the terms of a Li-
cense Agreement. You will be held liable for
any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this
2) As of the Effective Date, the copyright notice
for all third-party brand icons (the
) are located in the operator
s manual
included in the Licensed Products.
3) As of the Effective Date, the copyright notice
with logo for infoUSA, Inc. is:
Data by
All Rights Reserved
4) As for Map Version, Tele Atlas. Rel.
About the database