Function description
Operating Manual PSSu E F DI OZ 2(-T)(-R)
Input and test pulse output
Functions for the FS inputs of a PSSu are defined in the PSSuniversal Configurator on the
PSS WIN-PRO system software:
Read access through the standard bus system (configured per module):
Configuration "R"
Allocation of a test pulse to an input (configured per input):
Optimisation of ST process image by combining adjacent bits of the same type.
Configuration „*“
The PSSuniversal Configurator on the PSS WIN-PRO system software
must be used to define the I/O-Groups to which FS inputs and outputs be-
long (SafetyBUS p). The PSSu can be divided into sections A and B for this
All the FS outputs on a PSSu always belong to section A.
All the FS inputs on a PSSu always belong to section B.
Section A and section B on a PSSu may belong to different I/O-Groups.
Further information on configuration is available in the PSSuniversal Configurator's online
Addresses in the process image
The module occupies two consecutive bit addresses for the input in the FS-PII:
Bit address 1: Input I0 for connecting the feedback loop (connection terminal).
Bit address 2: Internal FS input I1 for transmitting open circuit detection (no connection
The module occupies one bit address for the output in the FS-PIO.
The display in the ST process image depends on the configuration. With read access ("R"),
the sequence in the ST-PII is:
Bit address 1: FS output O0+
Bit address 2: Input I0 for connecting the feedback loop
Bit address 3: Internal FS input I1 for transmitting open circuit detection
With write access ("&"), the Bit in the ST-PIO is used to switch the FS output with the local
enable principle.
SafetyBUS p
Standard bus system
2 Bit
(e. g.: 32.00 …
(e.g.: 32.00)
1 Bit
(e. g.: 32.00)
- - -
- - -
Read ST (“R”)
3 Bit
- - -
ST read and write
3 Bit
1 Bit