Function description
Operating Manual PSS u2 ES 4IOL
Reaction time
The reaction time for IO-Link is composed of the following times:
Min. cycle time of the IO-Link master (see
Technical details [
). This time corres-
ponds to the internal processing time of the IO-Link master.
Min. cycle time for the connection between the IO-Link master and the IO-Link device.
This time corresponds to the time defined in the IODD. The IO-Link master must not ad-
dress the IO-Link device during this time.
Min. cycle time of a device. Internal processing time of the IO-Link device (see operat-
ing manual for the IO-Link device)
Cycle time of the head module and module bus: 2 x ST cycle time = 2 ms
Configuration options
Operating modes
The following operating modes can be set for each port:
Port deactivated
A device connected to the port will not be detected. Terminal L+ is switched off.
DI mode
The port is used as a digital ST input. The CQ terminal can be configured as an ST in-
put for each port. The input current can also be configured for the ST inputs in DI mode.
DO mode
The port is used as a digital ST output. The CQ terminal can be configured as an ST
output for each port.
The port is used in I/O-Link mode. When searching for connected devices, the master
checks whether the configured manufacturer ID and device ID match the actual manu-
facturer ID and device ID on the connected device.
The port is used in I/O-Link mode. When searching for connected devices, the master
does not check whether the connected device matches the configured device.
Save the device configuration
The configured properties of a device can be saved in the master. The master can then
write these to the new device when a device is exchanged.
In this mode, all data in the data memory is deleted and the data memory is deactiv-
In this mode, the configuration is loaded from the device into the master. This setting
can be used when devices already contain configured data and this data is to be ap-
plied to the master.