PSEN op Mirror/1
Operating Manual
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: [email protected]
Original document
Order reference
Table of suitable light curtains
Product type
Light curtain
2x PSEN op Mirror-015/1
PSEN op2B-2-050
PSEN op4B-2-050
PSEN opSB-4B-2-050
3x PSEN op Mirror-015/1
PSEN op2B-3-080
PSEN op4B-3-080
PSEN opSB-4B-3-080
4x PSEN op Mirror-015/1
PSEN op2B-4-090
PSEN op4B-4-090
PSEN opSB-4B-4-090
PSEN op2B-4-120
PSEN op4B-4-120
PSEN opSB-4B-4-120
PSEN op Mirror-060/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-015/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-030/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-045/1
PSEN op Mirror-090/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-060/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-075/1
PSEN op Mirror-120/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-090/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-105/1
PSEN op Mirror-165/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-120/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-135/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-150/1
PSEN op Mirror-190/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-165/1
PSEN op xx-s-xx-180/1
Please note the length of the deviating mirror!
The length of the deviating mirror must be at least 100 mm greater than the length
of the protected field of the light curtain.