PSEN cs6.2p
Operating Manual PSEN cs6.2p
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Actuator 6.1
Procedure actuator PSEN cs6.1
1. Provide the mounting surface with two drill holes for fastening the actuator (see
2. Use a screw to fix the actuator to the mounting surface.
Make sure that the actuator with the marking (triangle) points towards the marking on
the safety switch.
3. Do not fully tighten the second screw on the actuator.
Actuator 6.1 low profile
Loss of the manipulation protection by inadequate environmental con-
The loss of the manipulation protection can allow manipulation of the inter-
locking device and it may lead to serious injury or death.
– Make sure that the actuator has no direct or repetitive contact with
materials such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), petrol or isopropanol.
The actuator is secured against unauthorised removal, and against contamination by the
sealing. The seal should be regarded as equivalent to using permanent fastenings in ac-
cordance with EN ISO 14119.
By removing the actuator, the actuator will be destroyed.
The actuator’s adhesive force on the materials aluminium, stainless steel, polycarbonate
and glass was checked. For deviating surface materials check the adhesive force on the
After a cure time of 24 hours, 90 % of the final adhesive force are achieved. The harden-
ing must take place at min. 20 °C. With lower temperatures the cure time is clearly exten-
No continuous force must affect the actuator.
Procedure actuator PSEN cs6.1 low profile glue:
1. To seal the low profile actuators correctly, it is necessary to prepare the surface to
which the actuator is to be attached.
The surface must be clean, dry and free of grease.
Wipe off any solved grease and contaminations with a new, dry paper cloth.
Clean the surface with 70% isopropanol. Use lint-free paper cloths and change the pa-
per cloths frequently.
The adhesive surface is clean when the paper remains clean.
The cleaned surfaces must be sealed immediately to prevent any new contamination by
dust and fingerprints.