Design and planning
System Description Service Robotics Modules
| 82
Test plan
Test plan for the robot arm PRBT6
You will find the test plan for the robot arm in the operating manual for the robot arm.
Test plan for the teach pendant PRTM1
You will find the test plan for the teach pendant in the operating manual for the teach
Test plan for the robot control module PRCM1 (control cabinet)
The system or plant integrator is obligated to create a test plan for at least the following
safety-related actions:
Required measure
Test STO connection between
control cabinet and robot arm
Before each (initial) commission-
In accordance with the require-
ments from the risk analysis
1. Enable robot movement (e.g.
select automatic operating
2. Activate robot movement (e.g.
operate reset button on teach
Result: The STO LED at the foot
of the robot arm must light up
Safety control system wire at FS
output STO_A:
1. Remove wire at module 1.5,
terminal 11
Result: The STO LED at the foot
of the robot arm must light up red.
Safety control system wire at FS
output STO_A:
1. Remove wire at module 1.5,
terminal 11
Result: The STO LED at the foot
of the robot arm must light up red.
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