Use and Maintenance Manual
PM Version
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4.4. Acquisition
The flow rate measurement is carried out continuously by means of the mechanical system consisting of two measuring chambers (of
known volume) with deformable diaphragms, which expand and contract alternately. This movement, induced by the pressure difference
between the inlet and outlet passages, operated by a crank mechanism, is transmitted to a pin that makes a complete turn every cyclic
volume of gas passing through.
The movement of the pin causes the rotation of an encoder; such rotation is detected by means of two optical sensors. The
management of both HW and SW is carefully optimized to minimize the consumption of the measuring circuit and the processor
awakening time.
The optical sensor provides sufficient resolution to allow the measurement of the amount of gas, both during operation and for the
certification/production/calibration steps, using in this case a modified counting algorithm.
The two pairs of LED phototransistor sensors are positioned at 90
to one another. For each rotation of the encoder divided into full and
empty sectors, a given sequence of statuses is therefore available.
The coding of this sequence allows identifying a regular counting, a reverse rotation, or an oscillation. In this way, it is possible not to
affect the taken measurement in any way.
The system, consisting of an encoder and optical sensors, represents the interface between the measuring mechanics and the
calculation and management electronics.
The piloting and detection of the optical sensors is entrusted directly to the microprocessor, which performs also an ongoing diagnostic
activity to highlight any faults and fraud attempts made by blinding the sensors. The piloting of the sensors is carried out in a controlled
manner, which is such as to assure proper operation during the whole RSE life-cycle.
The measurement of the temperature, required for the calculation of the volumes on the reference thermodynamic conditions, is carried
out using a temperature sensor with a resolution of 10 bits, which provides a measurement in Kelvin degrees with a resolution of 0.25
in a time span of 50ms.
The measurement of the gas temperature is acquired and updated every 30 s.
4.5. Events and diagnostics
With reference to the standards of the series UNI/TS 11291, RSE implements in particular the following services:
UNI/TS 11291-1 4.3.9 Service: Detection and reporting of anomalies
UNI/TS 11291-6 7.1 Functional Requirements - Event Log
UNI/TS 11291-6 7.6 Functional Requirements - Diagnostics and alarms
4.6. Activation
With reference to the standards of the series UNI/TS 11291, RSE implements in particular the following services:
UNI/TS 11291-1 4.3.1 Service: Synchronization
UNI/TS 11291-1 4.3.6 Service: Software updating
UNI/TS 11291-1 4.3.8 Service: Management and Maintenance of the infrastructure
UNI/TS 11291-6 7.3 Functional Requirements - Programming
UNI/TS 11291-6 7.4 Functional Requirements - Operations concerning commissioning and maintenance
UNI/TS 11291-6 7.5 Functional Requirements - Clock
4.7. Communication
RSE has two communication interfaces, a local one and a remote one:
Local interface:
Optical port
Infrared port complying with the standard EN 62056-21; it requires an external device (ZVEI probe);
The protocol used for the ZVEI optical port is DLMS.
The asynchronous format and the speed of the optical port are set to the following values:
Speed: 9600 baud, format: 1(start bit), 8 (data bit), N (no parity), 1 (stop bit)
The ZVEI optical port is normally off. To enable it, follow the instructions given in chapter
Remote interface:
WMbus modem
Integrated in the device, antenna included and not remotizable;
The WMbus modem, including the antenna, is integrated in the meter.