Tergeo plasma cleaner operator’s manual
Revision: B3, Year 2020
Once the “Edit Recipe” button is clicked, a sub window (Figure 13) will pop up to let the user modify the
selected recipe. A maximum of 15 characters is allowed for the recipe name. If the downstream cleaning
mode option is purchased, it can be selected in the drop down combo box. Default pulse ratio is 255 e.g.
CW mode. If an extremely weak plasma is desired, user can reduce the pulse duty ratio. Pulse ratio can
be changed from 0 to 255. Pulse ratio is calculated as N/255 where N is the number specified in the
recipe. Gas flow rate can be adjusted from 0 to 100 sccm. If input gas is at atmospheric pressure, the
maximum gas flow rate that can be achieved is around 40 sccm. If a higher gas flow rate is required, the
input gas pressure should be raised to maximum 10 psi above atmospheric pressure. Please do not raise
the input gas pressure above 10 psi. If maximum cleaning speed is desired, optimal total gas flow rate
should generate about 50~200mTorr pressure inside the plasma cleaner.
Figure 12, Recipe library
Figure 13, edit recipe window, left: the recipe can be edited by the user. Right: the recipe has been
locked to prevent unintended modification.