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Easy to use
With the Model 541 you can check & calibrate all your frequency instruments and measure flow
Take it into the shop, plant or field
Carry it without worry - it comes with a carrying case and fits into your toolbox.
Accurate to ±0.005% of range.
• Calibrate in Hz, kHz , CPM and CPH
0.001 to 20.000 kHz
0.1 to 2000.0 Hz
0.01 Hz to 200.00 Hz
0.1 to 2000.0 CPM (Counts-per-Minute)
1 to 20000 CPH (Counts-per-Hour)
• Quickly output the frequency you need
Simulate vibration pickups and variable
speed drives with sine wave outputs and
flow meters and magnetic pickups with
square wave outputs. If you calibrate positive
displacement flow meters, Watt-hour meters
or slow rated integrators select frequencies
as slow as 1 CPH (0.0002777 Hz). Easily set
any value quickly to within 0.01 Hz with the
two speed adjustable EZ-Dial™ plus store
any three frequencies for instant recall with
the EZ-Check™ switch. Verify optical pickups
with the GATE TIME LED that is
synchronized with the output pulses.
• Match your instrument signal levels
Choose zero based or zero crossing square
or sine waves output from 0.1 V to 12 V
peak-to-peak. Measure from 0.1 V to 120 V
peak with X1 or X10 attenuation. Turn the
dial to adjust the output amplitude to the
level required.
• Read signals from flow meters
Measure flow meter, vibration, parts counter
and other process frequency signals from
0.1 V to 120 V. GATE TIME LED flashes with
received pulses indicating when the proper
input adjustment level is achieved.
• Calibrate totalizers without a stopwatch
Automatically output from 1 to 99999 pulses in 1 to 100 minutes. Easier and more accurate than
waiting around with the stopwatch to stop generating pulses at the correct time. Count input
pulses from 1 to 100 minutes to verify totalizer input signals.
PIECAL Model 541
Frequency Calibrator with Totalizer
Operating Instructions
PIECAL Model 541
Frequency Calibrator with Totalizer
Operating Instructions
Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 - 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176