Specifications subject to change. Copyright ® 2015 by Pico Digital Inc. All rights reserved. REV. 090115
HD MPEG 2/4 QAM Set-Top Box
3.1 Programming the Remote Control
In order to program your remote control, follow these steps:
A. On the set-top box remote, press and hold the “SET” button until the red light at the top turns bright red.
B. Point the remote that you would like to copy and the set-top box remote at one another.
C. On the set-top box remote, press and hold the button that you would like to program (eg. Channel up) until
the light flashes.
On the remote you want to copy, press and hold the corresponding button (Channel up) until the light flashes
E. Repeat this process until all of the buttons are programmed.
F. Press the “SET” button once more to save and exit the remote control programming.