PicoBlocks - Reference
The PicoBlocks Text Language
PicoBlocks lets you construct computer programs by snapping different blocks together, like
pieces of a puzzle. This approach makes it easy to get started; different kinds of blocks have
different shapes and can only snap together in certain ways. The shapes of the pieces provide
a lot of guidance as to how structure your programs, helping you build programs that work
the way you want them to work. But if you try to write longer programs you may find that
using the blocks can get cumbersome. For example, all of your stacks may no longer fit a the
screen at the same time. Also, there are some advanced
programming features that are not available using the
blocks. As your programs become longer and more
complex, you may want to consider using the Text
Language that is available from within the PicoBlocks
software. The PicoBlocks Text Language is similar to the
computer language Logo. (For more information on
Logo see
www. logofoundation.org
.) To begin writing
programs in the Text Language, click on the text icon
located in the lower left hand corner of the PicoBlocks
Workspace. The Text Language Workspace, shown in the
figure below, will appear.
Click on the text icon
to switch to the text
language Workspaces
Click here to switch back
and forth between the
Text and the Blocks
Procedure Area
Define new words here
Command Center
Type commands here and
then press Enter