AXE171 PICAXE-14 Audio Kit © Revolution Education Ltd 2015 v1.1
May be copied for educational use.
2.1 SPE035 Assembly
Solder the 1k resistor in position R1 and capacitor in position C1.
Solder the three switches in positions SW1 to SW3
Solder the MP3 module in the appropriate position A or B (see note 1.1 above). The module
may be soldered directly onto the board or the optional 8 way connectors supplied may be
used (if you wish to be able to remove the module from the PCB in the future).
On the 5 way connector carefully push hard on the corner of the first pin (e.g. with a coin) so
that the short end slides through the plastic holder, therefore making the short end longer.
Do this for all 5 pins. Place the longer end through the PCB in position H1 and solder in
position. The connector is adjusted and used like this so it lies closer to the top of the PCB.
Solder the speaker wires into positions SPK1 and SPK2. There are 3 different solder pad
positions to allow for different speaker sizes and shapes. If you wish to use a different size of
speaker it should be an ‘8 ohm’ type. The speaker can be connected either way round.