PCM-072/phyCORE-AM64xx System on Module
© PHYTEC America L.L.C. 2022
5.5 Safe Shutdown and Sudden Power Loss
Like a PC, a sudden power loss can result in a corrupted filesystem that renders your system unable to boot. When possible,
initiating an OS controlled shutdown procedure is advised. Under Linux a poweroff or shutdown command will safely
shutdown the system, allowing subsequent safe removal of power.
If sudden power loss is a concern in your system, then consider designing a battery backup or other similar failsafe solution.
An appropriate battery backup provides enough temporary power for the system to complete a safe shutdown. The safe
shutdown should be triggered via an interrupt to the processor when primary system power loss is detected. An example
circuit is shown below. Another solution is to have a read-only file system as this would ensure nothing is modified in an
unexpected manner in the event of an unexpected shutdown.
Figure 18. Example interrupt generation for detecting system power loss