Ver. Phoenix 1.0 _ 01-01-2019
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Phoenix Mixer India Pvt. Ltd.
EN 292 Part 1 and 2: 1991
Safety of Machinery – Basic concepts, genera
Principles for design
EN 418: 1992
Safety of Machinery – Emergency stop
Equipment, Functional aspects
EN60204 Part 1: 1997
Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of
Machines -Specifications for general requirements.
EN 954-1: 1996
Safety of Machinery – Safety related parts of control
Systems- Part 1: General principles for design
EN 1088: 1995
Safety of machinery-Interlocking devices associated with
EN 294: 1992
Safety of machinery – Safety distances to prevent danger
zones being reached by the upper limbs.
EN 953: 1997
Safety of machines – Guards-General requirements for the
design and construction of fixed and movable for coating
PrEN 12757-1
Mixing machinery for coating materials
Materials used by Phoenix to manufacture the cabinet doesn’t undergo
corrosions or deteriorations (They are compatible) with the paints which have to
be checked.