Your full installation manual, which is included in your kit, has basic information for all
our sound systems. Bachmann's Spectrum™ Shay has special features that make
installation of a sound system straightforward. Although it will take some time to do
a good installation, the time spent is well worth the effort. Make sure you set aside
time so you are not rushed and things will go smoothly. We have modified our kit with
components that fit neatly into the allotted space inside the coal tender, and these
supplemental instructions explain our recommended installation for the Shay.
The reference sketches in this manual are provided as visual aids only to make the
written instructions clearer; they are not drawn to scale and detail is omitted. We
suggest that you use this supplement and the full installation manual when you install
your sound system. Detailed engineering drawings of the Shay chassis, assemblies, and
wiring can be found in Bachmann's Shay manual, pages 20–27.
Bachmann Industries strongly recommends lubricating your new engine before you
use it. We urge you to follow the manufacturer's recommendation.
Please be sure to read page 17 of the Spectrum™ Shay manual for instructions for
preparing the tender for sound installation. We urge you to read Bachmann's entire
Shay manual before installing our BIG SOUND™ or before running your engine.
Once you've removed the tender and coal load, you're ready to get started with
the sound installation. Remember: it will take a little time, but it's not really difficult.
Relax and have fun!
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