© 2010 Phoenix Gold • www.phoenixgold.com
Amplifier Owner’s Manual
Electrical Breakdown
Temperature controlled
fan cooling system
Sealed high quality alumi-
num shaft potentiometers
Six massive unregulated
power supplies with hand
wound transformers
3 Ounce Gold Plated Circuit Board
50 200 volt/1000uF rail voltage
capacitors can power a small city
47 35 volt/1200uF capacitors
stiffen the power supply during
massive bass notes
13 grams per millimeter
of high density aluminum
36 IRFP1405 power supply
transistors, just one of these is
capable of switching 70 amps
of current
32 FDA24N40F 400 volt
ultra fast output transistors
8 gauge Stinger HPM speaker
wire carries the high voltage/
high current signal directly to
the speaker outputs
5mm thick acrylic top is
heat and crack resistant
3mm thick high current
custom made buss bars
Three high current 1/0 power
terminals are ready to pass up
to 900 amps continuously
State of the art Class D switch-
ing circuitry operates at an
amazing 90% efficiency
Panel mount RCA connections
Each unit number is laser cut
into the heatsink so every
amplifier is truly unique