tion of important contractual obligations. Claims for damages for the viola-
tion of important contractual obligations are, however, limited to contract-
typical, predictable damages, provided there is no premeditation or gross
negligence, or that liability is assumed on account of loss of life, physical
injury or damage to health. This ruling does not imply a change in the bur-
den of proof to the detriment of the user.
Statement of legal authority
This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright pro-
tected. Use of this manual by any third party is forbidden. Reproduction,
translation, and public disclosure, as well as electronic and photographic
archiving or alteration requires the express written consent
of Phoenix Contact. Violators are liable for damages.
Phoenix Contact reserves all rights in the case of patent award or listing of
a registered design. Third-party products are always named without refer-
ence to patent rights. The existence of such rights shall not be excluded.
How to contact us
Up-to-date information on Phoenix Contact products and our Terms and
can be found on the Internet at:
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please contact your Phoenix Contact subsidiary.
Subsidiary contact information is available at
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