5. You could edit or delete a non-empty playlist, just choose the
desired playlist which is with pencil icon.
6. Once you start to edit a playlist, you will see below screen.
Source - files in storage.
Playlist – files in playlist.
There are 4 icons which map to the keys of remote controller.
Option key – launch slidebar
Play key – play media file.
Info key – show media info.
Ok key – select/unselect file.
6-1 In the slide bar, it helps you to do the following:
- select all : select all storage files.
- delete all : delete all playlist files.
- add/remove : update playlist from source.
- sort : sort playlist.
- save/abort : save or abort playlist.
- back : return.
7. If you choose “Sort” in the slide bar, you can change the order of
files one by one.
8. Press info key after you choose desired file, you will get the detail
9. Press play key after you choose desired file, you will play the media
file directly.
10. If you make a playlist with all images files, before saving, the app
will ask you if you want to have background music while playing