Ideal for Infants and Children
The Philips SensorTouch method is quick, simple, accurate
and comfortable and therefore very suitable for measuring
the temperature of children.You do not need to undress
your child; a single stroke across the temple will produce
an accurate result in only a few seconds. Small children
even experience the “caress” with which you carry out
the measurement as pleasant and comforting.
Normal Temperature
“Normal temperature” is the body temperature of a
healthy person. Not everybody has the same normal
body temperature. Moreover, this temperature depends
on the area on which it is measured, the time of day,
the ambient temperature and the amount of
physical exercise a person has had just before the
A temperature measured with the Philips
SensorTouch thermometer can be considered
normal if it lies between 97.5F and 99.5F (36.4C -
37.5C). It is recommended that you determine your
normal temperature range (and that of your family
members).You can do this by measuring your
temperature at various times of the day.
Body temperature is the temperature inside a person’s
body.Traditionally, this temperature is measured orally or
rectally.These methods, however, take several minutes.
Moreover, the accuracy of oral measurements can be
effected by the breathing (causing a decrease in
temperature) or beverages that have just been consumed
(causing either an increase or decrease in temperature).
The best place to measure body temperature would be
inside the heart.The infrared sensor of the Philips
SensorTouch measures body temperature on the skin
surface over the arteries in the temple.These arteries
are in close connection with the heart and therefore
quickly reflect changes in the body’s temperature. In
addition, they lie close to the surface of the skin and are
therefore very suitable for non-invasive measurement.
Rectal measurement is generally considered the most
accurate type of temperature measurement. Clinical tests
have shown measurements carried out with the Philips
SensorTouch Temple Thermometer to be just as
accurate as rectal measurements.