MP3 video player
1.5" Full color display
1.5" full color screen allows you to navigate
easily within the control menu or the music
files of your GoGear player. Plus, you can flip
through your photo collection while enjoying
your music on the go.
Internet video download
View videos on the go with Internet Video
Download, an easy-to-use feature that lets you
download videos from video sharing sites
(YouTube, MySpace or Google Video) to your
GoGear. Install the PC application provided,
connect your GoGear to your PC and use
Internet Explorer to visit your favorite video
sharing site. Choose a video and click the
Download button that appears when you
hover the mouse cursor over the video. No
need to wait, just move on to other videos and
start downloading more.
Album art in full color
GoGear’s easy and intuitive user interface is
powered by an advanced navigation
technology. It not only helps to ensure quick
and smooth navigation but also an enjoyable
multimedia experience that doesn’t take long
to master. Smart features like Album Art –
which displays album artwork embedded in
music files – enables you to have a richer
experience, just like in the good old days when
you would view the cover of a CD or LP while
enjoying your music.