Vídeo Plus
"Video Plus+" e "Plus Code" são marcas registradas do Gemstar
Development Corporation. O sistema "Video Plus+" é fabricado
sob a licença da Gemstar Development Corporation.
Figura 2-
Este produto incorpora tecnológia de proteção de cópia que é
o metódo de proteção exigido da certificado U.S de patentes e
outros proprietários intelectuais da própria Macrovision Corpora-
O uso desta tecnologia de proteção de cópia deve ser autorizada
pela Macrovision Corporation e é permitido para casas e outros
limites somente com autorização da Macrovision Corporation. A
desmontagem é proíbida.
2. Solda sem chumbo
A Philips CE está produzindo aparelhos sem chumbo (PBF) de
1.1.2005 para frente.
Identificação: A etiqueta de modelo tem um número de série de 14
dígitos. Os dígitos 5 e 6 referem-se ao ano de produção, os dígitos
7 e 8 referem-se à semana de produção (no exemplo abaixo, é
1991 na semana 18).
Apesar do logo especial sem chumbo (que nem sempre é
indicado),todos os aparelhos desta data pra frente de acordo com
as regras descritas abaixo.
Com a tecnologia sem chumbo, algumas regras devem ser respei-
tadas pelo posto autorizado durante o reparo:
• Use apenas ferramentas de solda sem chumbo Philips SAC305
com o código de pedido 0622 149 00106. Se a pasta de solda sem
chumbo for necessária, por favor contate o fabricante do equi-
pamento de solda. No geral, o uso de pasta de solda em postos
deve ser evitada pois a pasta não é facilmente manuseada nem
• Use apenas ferramentas de solda aplicáveis para ferramenta de
solda sem chumbo. A ferramenta de solda deve:
- Alcançar na ponta da ferramenta a temperatura de pelo menos
- Estabilizar o ajuste de temperatura na ponta da solda.
- Troque a ponta de solda para diferentes aplicações.
• Ajuste sua ferramenta de solda para que a temperatura de 360
- 380
seja alcançada e estabilizada na junção da solda. O tempo
de aquecimento da junção da solda não deve exceder ~ 4s. Evite
temperaturas acima de 400
, ou então "wear-out" das pontas
irá aumentar drasticamente e o fluxo- fluido será destruído. Para
evitar "wear-out" de pontas, desligue o equipamento quando não
usado ou reduza a temperatura.
• Misturar parte/ ferramenta de solda sem chumbo com partes/
ferramentas de solda com chumbo é possível mas a PHILIPS
recomenda que se evite isso. Se não puder ser evitado, cuidado-
samente limpe a solda da antiga ferramenta e re-solde com uma
nova ferramenta.
• Use apenas peças originais listadas no Manual de Serviço. Mate-
riais padrão não listados (comodities) devem ser comprados em
companhias externas.
• Informações especiais para ICs BGA sem chumbo: estes ICs
serão entregues no chamado “pacote a seco” para proteger o IC
contra umidade. Este pacote só pode ser aberto pouco antes de
ser usado (soldado). Ou então o corpo do IC fica “molhado” dentro
e durante o tempo de aquecimento a estrutura do IC será destru-
ída por causa da alta temperatura dentro do corpo. Se o pacote for
aberto antes do uso, o IC deve ser esquentado por algumas horas
(em torno de 90
) Para secar (pense na proteção ESD!). NÃO RE-
USE BGAs de modo algum!
• Para produtos produzidos ante de 1.1.2005, contendo ferramenta
de solda com chumbo e componentes, toda a lista de peças será
avaliada até o fim do período de serviço. Para reparo destes
aparelhos, nada muda.
• No website
www. atyourservice.ce.Philips.com
você encontra mais
informações sobe:
• (De) Solda BGA (+ instruções de operação).
• Perfis de aquecimento dos BGAs e outros ICs usados em apare-
lhos Philips.
Você encontra estas e mais informações técnicas em “magazine”,
capítulo “workshop news”.
Para questões adicionais, por favor, contate o help desk local.
. Instrução de Uso
Veja o Manual no GIP.
EN 6
3139 785 3093x
Safety Information, General Notes & Lead Free Requirements
Video Plus
“Video Plus+” and “PlusCode” are registered trademarks of
the Gemstar Development Corporation. The “Video Plus+”
system is manufactured under licence from the Gemstar
Development Corporation.
Figure 2-5
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that
is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and
other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision
Corporation and other rights owners.
Use of this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for
home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise
authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
2.3 Lead Free Requirement
Information about Lead-free produced sets
Philips CE is starting production of lead-free sets from
1.1.2005 onwards.
Regardless of special logo (not always indicated)
One must treat all sets from
1 Jan 2005
onwards, according
next rules.
Example S/N:
Bottom line of typeplate gives a 14-digit S/N. Digit 5&6 is the year, digit 7&8 is
the week number, so in this case 1991 wk 18
So from 0501 onwards = from 1 Jan 2005 onwards
Important note: In fact also products of year 2004 must be treated in this way as long as you
avoid mixing solder-alloys (leaded/ lead-free). So best to always use SAC305 and the higher
temperatures belong to this.
Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the
workshop during a repair:
Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 with order
code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-pate is required,
please contact the manufacturer of your solder-equipment.
In general use of solder-paste within workshops should be
avoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle.
Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free
solder alloy. The solder tool must be able
o To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C,
o To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip
o To exchange solder-tips for different applications.
Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around 360°C
– 380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint.
Heating-time of the solder-joint should not exceed ~ 4 sec.
Avoid temperatures above 400°C otherwise wear-out of tips
will rise drastically and
uid will be destroyed. To avoid
wear-out of tips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce
Mix of lead-free solder alloy / parts with leaded solder alloy
/ parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to
avoid mixed solder alloy types (leaded and lead-free).
If one cannot avoid or does not know whether product is
lead-free, clean carefully the solder-joint from old solder
alloy and re-solder with new solder alloy (SAC305).
Use only original spare-parts listed in the Service-Manuals.
Not listed standard-material (commodities) has to be
purchased at external companies.
Special information for BGA-ICs:
- always use the 12nc-recognizable soldering temperature
le of the speci
c BGA (for de-soldering always use the
lead-free temperature pro
le, in case of doubt)
- lead free BGA-ICs will be delivered in so-called ‘dry-
packaging’ (sealed pack including a silica gel pack) to
protect the IC against moisture. After opening, dependent
of MSL-level seen on indicator-label in the bag, the
BGA-IC possibly still has to be baked dry. (MSL=Moisture
Sensitivity Level). This will be communicated via AYS-
Do not re-use BGAs at all.
For sets produced before 1.1.2005 (except products of
2004), containing leaded solder-alloy and components,
all needed spare-parts will be available till the end of the
service-period. For repair of such sets nothing changes.
On our website
nd more information to:
BGA-de-/soldering (+ baking instructions)
les of BGAs and other ICs used in Philips-sets
You will
nd this and more technical information within the
“magazine”, chapter “workshop news”.
For additional questions please contact your local repair-helpdesk.
EN 6
3139 785 3093x
Safety Information, General Notes & Lead Free Requirements
Video Plus
“Video Plus+” and “PlusCode” are registered trademarks of
the Gemstar Development Corporation. The “Video Plus+”
system is manufactured under licence from the Gemstar
Development Corporation.
Figure 2-5
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that
is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and
other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision
Corporation and other rights owners.
Use of this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for
home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise
authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
2.3 Lead Free Requirement
Information about Lead-free produced sets
Philips CE is starting production of lead-free sets from
1.1.2005 onwards.
Regardless of special logo (not always indicated)
One must treat all sets from
1 Jan 2005
onwards, according
next rules.
Example S/N:
Bottom line of typeplate gives a 14-digit S/N. Digit 5&6 is the year, digit 7&8 is
the week number, so in this case 1991 wk 18
So from 0501 onwards = from 1 Jan 2005 onwards
Important note: In fact also products of year 2004 must be treated in this way as long as you
avoid mixing solder-alloys (leaded/ lead-free). So best to always use SAC305 and the higher
temperatures belong to this.
Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the
workshop during a repair:
Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 with order
code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-pate is required,
please contact the manufacturer of your solder-equipment.
In general use of solder-paste within workshops should be
avoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle.
Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free
solder alloy. The solder tool must be able
o To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C,
o To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip
o To exchange solder-tips for different applications.
Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around 360°C
– 380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint.
Heating-time of the solder-joint should not exceed ~ 4 sec.
Avoid temperatures above 400°C otherwise wear-out of tips
will rise drastically and
uid will be destroyed. To avoid
wear-out of tips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce
Mix of lead-free solder alloy / parts with leaded solder alloy
/ parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to
avoid mixed solder alloy types (leaded and lead-free).
If one cannot avoid or does not know whether product is
lead-free, clean carefully the solder-joint from old solder
alloy and re-solder with new solder alloy (SAC305).
Use only original spare-parts listed in the Service-Manuals.
Not listed standard-material (commodities) has to be
purchased at external companies.
Special information for BGA-ICs:
- always use the 12nc-recognizable soldering temperature
le of the speci
c BGA (for de-soldering always use the
lead-free temperature pro
le, in case of doubt)
- lead free BGA-ICs will be delivered in so-called ‘dry-
packaging’ (sealed pack including a silica gel pack) to
protect the IC against moisture. After opening, dependent
of MSL-level seen on indicator-label in the bag, the
BGA-IC possibly still has to be baked dry. (MSL=Moisture
Sensitivity Level). This will be communicated via AYS-
Do not re-use BGAs at all.
For sets produced before 1.1.2005 (except products of
2004), containing leaded solder-alloy and components,
all needed spare-parts will be available till the end of the
service-period. For repair of such sets nothing changes.
On our website
nd more information to:
BGA-de-/soldering (+ baking instructions)
les of BGAs and other ICs used in Philips-sets
You will
nd this and more technical information within the
“magazine”, chapter “workshop news”.
For additional questions please contact your local repair-helpdesk.
EN 6
3139 785 3093x
Safety Information, General Notes & Lead Free Requirements
Video Plus
“Video Plus+” and “PlusCode” are registered trademarks of
the Gemstar Development Corporation. The “Video Plus+”
system is manufactured under licence from the Gemstar
Development Corporation.
Figure 2-5
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that
is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and
other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision
Corporation and other rights owners.
Use of this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for
home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise
authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited.
2.3 Lead Free Requirement
Information about Lead-free produced sets
Philips CE is starting production of lead-free sets from
1.1.2005 onwards.
Regardless of special logo (not always indicated)
One must treat all sets from
1 Jan 2005
onwards, according
next rules.
Example S/N:
Bottom line of typeplate gives a 14-digit S/N. Digit 5&6 is the year, digit 7&8 is
the week number, so in this case 1991 wk 18
So from 0501 onwards = from 1 Jan 2005 onwards
Important note: In fact also products of year 2004 must be treated in this way as long as you
avoid mixing solder-alloys (leaded/ lead-free). So best to always use SAC305 and the higher
temperatures belong to this.
Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the
workshop during a repair:
Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 with order
code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-pate is required,
please contact the manufacturer of your solder-equipment.
In general use of solder-paste within workshops should be
avoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle.
Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free
solder alloy. The solder tool must be able
o To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C,
o To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip
o To exchange solder-tips for different applications.
Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around 360°C
– 380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint.
Heating-time of the solder-joint should not exceed ~ 4 sec.
Avoid temperatures above 400°C otherwise wear-out of tips
will rise drastically and
uid will be destroyed. To avoid
wear-out of tips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce
Mix of lead-free solder alloy / parts with leaded solder alloy
/ parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to
avoid mixed solder alloy types (leaded and lead-free).
If one cannot avoid or does not know whether product is
lead-free, clean carefully the solder-joint from old solder
alloy and re-solder with new solder alloy (SAC305).
Use only original spare-parts listed in the Service-Manuals.
Not listed standard-material (commodities) has to be
purchased at external companies.
Special information for BGA-ICs:
- always use the 12nc-recognizable soldering temperature
le of the speci
c BGA (for de-soldering always use the
lead-free temperature pro
le, in case of doubt)
- lead free BGA-ICs will be delivered in so-called ‘dry-
packaging’ (sealed pack including a silica gel pack) to
protect the IC against moisture. After opening, dependent
of MSL-level seen on indicator-label in the bag, the
BGA-IC possibly still has to be baked dry. (MSL=Moisture
Sensitivity Level). This will be communicated via AYS-
Do not re-use BGAs at all.
For sets produced before 1.1.2005 (except products of
2004), containing leaded solder-alloy and components,
all needed spare-parts will be available till the end of the
service-period. For repair of such sets nothing changes.
On our website
nd more information to:
BGA-de-/soldering (+ baking instructions)
les of BGAs and other ICs used in Philips-sets
You will
nd this and more technical information within the
“magazine”, chapter “workshop news”.
For additional questions please contact your local repair-helpdesk.
Содержание DVP3320X/78
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Страница 30: ...30 DVP3320 PAINEL FRONTAL SWITCH LAYOUT INFERIOR Front Board Switch Board Print layout Bottom side 7 9 7 9 ...
Страница 32: ...32 DVP3320 PAINEL POWER LAYOUT INFERIOR Power Board Print layout Bottom side 7 11 7 11 ...
Страница 33: ...33 DVP3320 PAINEL PRINCIPAL LAYOUT SUPERIOR Main Board Print layout Top side 7 12 7 12 ...
Страница 34: ...34 DVP3320 PAINEL PRINCIPAL LAYOUT INFERIOR Main Board Print layout Bottom side 7 13 7 13 ...