Front panel controls
Philips Communication, Security & Imaging
Alternate functions
(light below ALT key is lit)
F1 key
- restores defaults in active menu.
F2 key
- is assigned a specific function in the menu.
Arrow keys:
- move around through menu items or values.
- Left
- Up
- Down
- Right
Select key
- selects a submenu or menu item, or saves selections
made in menus.
ESC key
- press to return to previous level or to exit menu
system without saving.
- press to leave help system.
Menu key
- opens the menu system.
Mon A key
- assigns front panel keys to monitor A.
Mon B key
- assigns front panel keys to monitor B.
Sequence key - view cameras in sequence on full-screen or quad
Zoom key
- zooms in on the active camera display (full-screen or
active cameo).