Base station
Base station
Enable registration
Line settings
Service codes settings
Enable registration
Line settings
This feature allows you to register a DECT peripheral without keypad
Some DECT peripherals, such as repeaters, do not have keypad.A special menu-operated procedure is
used to register such peripherals to the base station. Also use the peripheral instructions to register it to
the base.
Press to enter the carousel menu
To register a DECT peripheral
Scroll to
Base station
and select
Press to select
Enable registration
Enter the peripheral code and press
Follow the instructions in the peripheral manual
Press to enter the carousel menu
:This setting allows you to select pulse dialling (also called “Loop disconnect”) and used in countries
without DTMF tone dialling capability or using old PABX.
To change the dial mode
Scroll to
Base station
and select
Press to select
Dial mode
Press to select
or scroll to
and select
Scroll to
Line settings
and select
DECT 311 GB_IE.qxp 28/06/2004 14:03 Page 36