19 Glossary
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to the width to height ratio
of TV screens. The ratio of a standard TV is 4:3,
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picture with a wider perspective on a standard
4:3 screen.
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record and play high-resolution HD images.
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than a conventional DVD. The large capacity
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surround sound, interactive menus and so on.
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addition to basic playback and interactive
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31st October, 2007 enables users to enjoy
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additional audio stream while the movie is
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Digital Audio
Digital Audio is a sound signal that has been
converted into numerical values. Digital sound
can be transmitted through multiple channels.
Analogue sound can only be transmitted
through two channels.
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device must be registered
in order to play DivX Video-on-Demand
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code, locate the DivX VOD section in your
device setup menu. Go to vod.divx.com with
this code to complete the registration process
and learn more about DivX video.
A surround sound system developed by Dolby
Laboratories that contains up to six channels of
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system for providing 5.1 channels of discrete
digital audio in consumer electronics products
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Dolby Digital.
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection.
transmission of digital contents between
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a high-speed digital interface that can transmit
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picture and sound quality, completely free from
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will result in no Video or Audio output.