Call History
This menu can record missed, received and dialed calls
and the duration of all calls.
Missed Calls
This menu allows you to view the latest unanswered calls.
Select a call log and press
to access the following
Dialed Calls
This menu allows you to view the latest dialed calls in-
cluding attempted or successful calls.
Received Calls
This menu allows you to view the latest received calls.
Delete Call Log
This menu contains three options that can erase missed,
dialed and received calls.
Call Time
This menu allows you to view the total time for calls made
or received and the duration of last call(format: hour,
minute, second). You can also reset the timer of the last
call and all calls.
The actual time invoiced for calls and service by your
service provider may vary, depending on network
features, rounding-off for billing purpose, tax and so forth.
Call Cost
Last Call Cost
To show the cost of the last call made.
Total Cost
To show the total cost of all calls made since the cost
counter was last reset. If the total cost exceeds the maxi-
mum cost set via the Max Cost option, you will no longer
be able to make any calls until you reset the counter.
To save the selected number.
To delete the selected number.
To dial the selected number.
To edit the selected number and save it to