Lamp choice is now a simple matter -
CosmoWhite or CosmoGold
• Low ownership costs reduce pressure on lighting budgets. This liberates cash for
investment in urban renewal schemes involving white light.
• Off-axis visibility is not needed on major roads. In fact, it can be a distraction.
• The warmth of masonry such as sandstone is enhanced with golden light. Also, you can
use white and gold together in floodlighting schemes to display architectural features
by colour contrast.
• Golden light can act as a signpost. Routes through city centres lit with CosmoGold
stand out clearly if surrounding areas are lit with CosmoWhite.
• CosmoGold is kind to the elderly. Old people with yellowing corneas may actually
see better by its light.
Economical CosmoGold has an essential role to play in your road and floodlighting.
With its white light, CosmoWhite improves the appearance of buildings, parks
and the people who visit them.There is growing evidence that it also makes areas
of mixed pedestrian and road traffic a safer place to be.
The trends are to:
• Energy efficiency and long, reliable service lives, not only to reduce your lighting
ownership costs but also to comply with new environmental pressures.
• Improved security and ambience to attract people back into your city centres at night.
• Miniaturisation, to permit unobtrusive lighting and exciting new luminaire designs.
Improved safety
• White light improves the visibility of objects and people at the sides of your vision. For a
motorist this for example means a better chance of spotting potential hazards on footpaths,
cycle lanes and at park entrances.
White light appears brighter than golden light at the same measured illuminance
• This is due to two factors: the eye’s increased sensitivity to white light at low light levels,
and improved colour contrast from better colour rendering. Because you see better,
you are less likely to have accidents.
White light is socially attractive
• White light gives you a better sense of safety due to the ability to see objects and facial
features clearly in bright, colourful surroundings. This makes you more inclined to socialise.
CosmoPolis meets your current outdoor lighting needs.