LCD monitor
46" multimedia HD Ready
Slim bezel
A slim bezel design adds a stylish look to a public
display to nicely blend in most environments.
Furthermore this design is ideal for tiled matrix
video walls.
Advanced color calibration
Whether installing a video wall in a 3x3, 2x4 or
5x5 set up, you want the color performance of
each image to be consistent in each display used.
Therefore each display is specially calibrated in
the factory to meet the highest standard of
advanced video walls.
High brightness
Allows daylight viewing even in large public
environments with high ambient light conditions.
Smart insert
Professional PC's are part of most public signage
installations. Quite often they add additional
depth to the public display and a lot of cable
clutter. This public display contains a Smart
insert in the backcover that will fit many
professional small form factor PC's. In addition it
offers provisions for efficient cable management.
The backlight intensity can be controlled and
pre-set by the system to reduce the power
consumption by up to 50%, which saves
substantially on energy costs.
Automatic brightness control
The adjustment of display settings to
correspond with ambient light without user
Temperature sensor
This public dispay contains a temperature
sensor to monitor the internal health condition.
In case the internal temperature surpasses the
preset threshold, automatically two internal fans
will be activated to cool down the display to
normal conditions.
Advanced anti image sticking
Static images left on-screen for extended
periods of time may leave a "ghost image" or
image sticking effect on LCD displays. Although
image sticking in LCD displays is not permanent,
you want to prevent this to happen, especially in
locations where content is shown 24/7.
Zoom function for tiled matrix
The internal zoom function enables easy
implementation of a video wall matrix, without
the need for expensive external equipment.
Capable of a vidiwall of 25 displays by dividing up
to 5 displays each horizontally and vertically.