CD Soundmachine with Dynamic Bass Boost
Video CD2.0 playback
Video CD2.0 playback with powerful playback
control function
The Karaoke feature on your DVD player
provides endless entertainment and maximum
audio and singing enjoyment.You can enhance
your performance by adding an ‘echo’ effect to
your voice. The key controls allows you to
choose the optimal key for your personal vocal
PAL/NTSC compatible
PAL/NTSC compatible
Incredible Surround™
Incredible Surround is an audio technology
from Philips that dramatically magnifies the
sound field to immerse you in the audio. Using
state-of-the-art electronic phase shifting,
Incredible Surround mixes sounds from left
and right in such a way that it expands the
virtual distance between the two speakers.
This wider spread greatly enhances the stereo
effect and creates a more natural sound
dimension. Incredible Surround allows you to
experience total surround with greater depth
and width of sound, without the use of
additional speakers.
Dynamic Bass Boost
Dynamic Bass Boost maximizes your music
enjoyment by emphasizing the bass content of
the music throughout the range of volume
settings - from low to high – at the touch of a
button! Bottom-end bass frequencies usually
get lost when the volume is set at a low level.
To counteract this, Dynamic Bass Boost can be
switched on to boost bass levels, so you can
enjoy consistent sound even when you turn
down the volume.
Bass Reflex Speaker System
Bass Reflex Speaker System delivers a deep
bass experience from a compact loudspeaker
box system. It differs from a conventional
loudspeaker box system in the addition of a
bass pipe that is acoustically aligned to the
woofer to optimize the low frequency roll-off
of the system. The result is deeper controlled
bass and lower distortion. The system works
by resonating the air mass in the bass pipe to
vibrate like a conventional woofer. Combined
with the response of the woofer, the system
extends the overall low frequency sounds to
create a whole new dimension of deep bass.
CD shuffle/program/repeat
The "Shuffle/Program/Repeat" function helps
you to get rid of the boredom of hearing your
music played in the same order all the time.
After loading your favorite songs to the player,
all you have to do is to select one of the modes
- "Shuffle", "Program" or "Repeat" for your
tunes to be played in different modes order.
Enjoy the different and unique music
experience every time you hook up to your
CD synchro-start recording
CD to tape synchro-start recording
9 frames digest preview
9 frames digest preview for easy navigation
On Screen Display
On Screen Display for easy navigation