1. Basic Command Class / Multilevel Switch Command Class
The dimmer will respond to BASIC and MULTILEVEL SWITCH commands that are
part of the Z-Wave system. If PAD07 is included as a secured node, it will only
response to the security encapsulation command of BASIC and MULTILEVEL
Upon receipt of the following commands from a Z-Wave Controller, the Switch will
report its dimmer state to the node inquired.
Basic Get Command: [Command Class Basic, Basic Get]
Basic Report Command:
Report OFF: [Command Class Basic, Basic Report, Value = 0]
Report ON:[Command Class Basic, Basic Report, Value = 1~99]
Multilevel Switch Get Command:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel
Switch Get]
Multilevel Switch Report Command:
Report OFF:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report,
Report ON:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value
Upon receipt of the following commands from a Z-Wave Controller, the load
attached to the dimmer will turn on or off.
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0] : the load attached to the
dimmer turns off.
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 1~99] : the attached load dim on as
the level.
[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Set, Value=0, Duration =
0~255] : the load attached to the dimmer turns off.
[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Set, Value =1~99,
Duration = 0~255] : the attached load dim on as the level.
1. Z-Wave’s Groups
The Switch can be set to send reports to associated Z-Wave devices. It supports
one association group with five nodes support for grouping 1. For group 1, the dimmer
Grouping 1 Lifeline(Maximum 5 nodes)
Device reset locally notification :
When PAD07 is reset manually, it will send a DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY_
NOTIFICATION to the nodes of group 1.
2-1-2 On/Off Event Report
When “on” or “off ” state has been changed, it will send Multilevel Switch Report to the
nodes of Grouping 1.
Switch Report
ON:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value
OFF:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value
2-1-3 Overload alarm report
When PAD07 detects the Overload, it will send Alarm Report to Group 1 nodes. After
detecting overload state and sending this alarm report, PAD07 will turn off the dimmer
automatically and lockout the On/Off button and S1/S2. The only thing to do is unplug
PAD07 and reduce the load. Then re-power on PAD07 and it will work again.
The content of Alarm Report
Alarm report command:
[Command_Class_Alarm, Alarm_Report, Alarm Type =
0x08, Alarm Level = 0xFF]
2-2 Grouping 2 Control_Key1 : (Maximum 5 nodes)
When the On/Off status changes or the dim level is achieved manually, it will send
BASIC_SET command to group 2 nodes to make them unanimous.
Dimmer Off : [Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0]
Dimmer On : [Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 1~99]