(15) GND terminal
Connect an earth cable from analogue disc player to one GND terminal of two GNDs of
L and R.
(16) DC IN connector
Connect the DC power junction cable of accessories between this DIN Connector and
the Power equipment.
Not to connect between L and R GNDs is recommended; however, define whether you
connect between them so as to match your audio system, or not.
The XLR terminal is adopted as an unbalance terminal of OUTPUT for this product.
Pin assignment is as follows: pin-1: GND, pin-2: HOT and pin-3: GND.
Pin assignment of some power amplifier may be assigned as follows: pin-1: GND,
pin-2: COLD and pin-3: HOT. In this condition, the output signal is reproduced in the
opposite phase of the input signal.
To play it in the proper phase, exchange wirings of pin-2 and pin-3 at one end of
balance cable before connecting the XLR terminal.