Ver. 0.1 - ©Phædrus Audio Ltd. 2011 All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 - Warranty and Service
Please regi ster your purchase w i th Phaedrus Audi o at w ww.phaedrus-audi o/regi strati on.htm . Thi s
will si mpli fy servi ce & repai r should you need thi s servi ce. Your name will be placed on our mai li ng
list (unless otherw i se requested) for futur e updates and new product announcements.
If you experi ence a problem wi th a Phædrus Audi o Ltd. product, contact:
suppor t@phaedrus-audi o.com
TELEPHONE: +44 207 193 4609
Skype ID: phaedrusaudi o
We will di agnose the problem remotely and advi se you of the w arranty status. If a repai r or
replacement i s requi red, w e wi ll issue a Return Merchandi se Authori zati on (RMA) number and tell
you w here to send the uni t to be repai red. You MUST hav e an RM A num ber before you return the
equi pment to Phædrus Audi o Ltd.'s support s ervi ce. Be sure to w ri te RMA number on outsi de of
shi ppi ng box and to i nclude your name, address, phone num ber, a copy of ori gi nal sales i nvoi ce and a
detai led descri pti on of the problem. Phædrus Audi o Ltd. wi ll not accept responsi bi li ty for loss or
damage i n shi ppi ng or for equi pment returned w i thout vali d paperw ork and/or a vali d RMA num ber.
Remem ber, w arranty i s voi d i f product s eri al numbers hav e been removed or al ter ed, or i f the
product has been damaged by abuse, acci dent or unauthori zed modi fi cati on and/or repai r (see
Phædrus Audi o Ltd. Li mi ted Warranty for detai ls). There are no us er servi ceable parts i nsi de.
Phædrus Audio Ltd.'s Limited Warranty
This limit ed warranty is valid only if you purchased the product from Phædrus Audio Ltd. of from a Phædrus Audio
authorized dealer in the country of purchase: a list of authorized dealers can be found on Phædrus Audio website
www.phaedrus-audio.com, or by contacting sales@pha edrus-audio.com. Phædrus Audio Ltd. warrants that the equipment it
manufactures shall be fr ee from def ects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the origina l date of
purchase; unless a longer minimum warranty period is mandated by a pplicable local laws. If equipment fails due to such
defects within this period, Phædrus Audio will, at its option, repair or provide a replacement f or the def ective part or
product. Valves (va cuum tub es) are excluded from the one-year warranty, but are warranted for 90 days from day of
purchase. This warranty does not extend to any Phædrus Audio Ltd. product that has been damaged or render ed defectiv e
as a result of: accident, misus e, or abuse; or by the use of parts not manufactured or s upplied by Phædrus Audio Ltd.; or by
unauthorized modification or attempted repair to the product; or by acts of God/Nature ( accident, fire, flood, etc) or any
other condition that is beyond the control of Phædrus Audio Ltd. Ther e are no user s erviceable parts ins ide. This limited
warranty is invalid if the factory-applied s erial number has been a ltered or remov ed from the product. This limit ed
warranty is extended exclusively to the or igina l buyer (customer of Phædrus Audio Ltd., or authorized retail dea ler) a nd is
not transferable to anyone who ma y subsequently purchase the product. No other person (retail dealer, etc.) shall be
entitled to give any warranty promise on b ehalf of Phædrus Audio Ltd. Phædrus Audio Ltd. makes no other warranties,
expressed or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular pur pose or otherwise. Phædrus Audio Ltd. liability is
limited to repair or replacement by Phædrus Audio Ltd., at its sole discretion a nd, in no event, will Phædrus Audio Ltd. be
liable f or any direct, indirect, specia l, incremental or consequentia l damages resulting from any defect in the product,
including lost profits, damage to property and, to the extent permitted by law, damage for personal injury, even if Phædrus
Audio Ltd. has been advised of the possibilities of such damages.