PFT JETSET pro in case Safety - Overview - Operation - Spare parts lists
Wear at all times
Wear the following at all times for all kinds of work:
Protective clothing
is tightly fitting clothing with low tear strength, with narrow sleeves
and without parts sticking out. It mainly helps to protect from
getting stuck in moving machine parts.
Do not wear any rings, chains and other jewellery.
Safety shoes
for protecting from heavy parts that may fall and from slipping on
slippery floors.
Protective goggles
to protect the eyes from parts that may fly around and liquid
Simple breathing mask
for protection from harmful dust.
Hearing protection
for protection from hearing deficiencies.
for protection from parts and materials that may fall or fly onto the
Protective gloves
to protect the hands from friction, abrasion, cuts or severe injuries
as well as from coming into direct contact with hot surfaces.