BG 5034 BEN (2017-01) IMR420_430.oi
5 Maintenance
DANGER: contaminated parts
Contaminated parts can be detrimental to health and environment.
Before you begin to work, find out whether any parts are contami-
nated. Adhere to the relevant regulations and take the necessary
precautions when handling contaminated parts.
Caution: vacuum component
Dirt and damages impair the function of the vacuum component.
When handling vacuum components, take appropriate measures to
ensure cleanliness and prevent damages.
Caution: dirt sensitive area
Touching the product or parts thereof with bare hands increases the
desorption rate.
Always wear clean, lint-free gloves and use clean tools when working
in this area.
The cathode is supplied on a plate under a cover. The cathode must
only be exchanged in a room which is free of dust. Wearing of clean
gloves is mandatory.
Switch off the operating unit.
Detach the gauge head cable from the gauge head.
Remove the gauge head from the vacuum system.
After loosening the hex screws at both terminals remove the faulty cathode.
Open the transport packaging, remove the replacement cathode in the
same way and install it in the place of the old cathode.
The required 0.89 mm screwdriver is included with the replacement cathode.
5.1 Exchanging the Cathode