12 Accessories
Further detailed accessories are contained in the Pfeiffer Vacuum printed or Online Cat-
BA 251
KAS 63, condensate separator
PK Z10 010
OME 100 M, oil mist filter for pumping speeds up to 300 m
PK Z40 012
Oil return unit, ORF 005, standard version
PK Z90 065
ZFO 063, zeolite trap
PK Z70 010
FAK 063, activated carbon filter
PK Z30 010
KLF 063, cold trap
PK Z80 010
PTC-resistor tripping device
P 4768 051 FQ
Operating fluid level monitoring, 24 V DC for BA 251/501
PK 133 115 -T
Reducing piece, stainless steel, DN 100/63 ISO-K
PF 321 210-X
Cooling water connection unit for BA 251/501
PK 133 100 -T
Pressure monitor for cooling water circulation system BA 251/501
P 4747 161 MF
Resistance thermometer PT 100
PK 132 101 -T
EVB 063 PA, Angle valve, electropneumatic, with PI, with PV, 24 V DC
PF B18 201
SAS 16, dust separator, DN 16 ISO-KF, polyester filter
PK Z60 506
VFS 010, Air venting valve 24 V DC
PK V52 024
Vibration isolators for BA 251/501
PK 132 855 -T
Conversion kit for gas ballast valve to KF connection
PK 133 863 -T
SAS 63 dust separator, DN 63 ISO-K, polyester filter
PK Z60 511
Magnetic gas ballast valve 230 V-50/60 Hz
PK V52 001
BA 501
KAS 100, condensate separator
PK Z10 012
OME 160 M, oil mist filter for pumping speeds of up to 500 m
PK Z40 014
Oil return unit, ORF 005, standard version
PK Z90 065
FAK 100, activated carbon filter
PK Z30 012
PTC-resistor tripping device
P 4768 051 FQ
Operating fluid level monitoring, 24 V DC for BA 251/501
PK 133 115 -T
Reducing piece, stainless steel, DN 160/100 ISO-K
PF 321 221 -X
Cooling water connection unit for BA 251/501
PK 133 100 -T
Pressure monitor for cooling water circulation system BA 251/501
P 4747 161 MF
Resistance thermometer PT 100
PK 132 101 -T
EVB 100 PA, Angle valve, electropneumatic, with PI, with PV, 24 V DC
PF B28 201
SAS 16, dust separator, DN 16 ISO-KF, polyester filter
PK Z60 506
Supporting frame for OME 160 M with BA 501
PK 133 904 -T
VFS 010, Air venting valve 24 V DC
PK V52 024
Vibration isolators for BA 251/501
PK 132 855 -T
Conversion kit for gas ballast valve to KF connection
PK 133 863 -T
SAS 100 dust separator, DN 100 ISO-K, polyester filter
PK Z60 512
Magnetic gas ballast valve 230 V-50/60 Hz
PK V52 001