5. What To Do In The Case Of Breakdowns ?
Poossssiibbllee ccaauussee
Pump fails to start or stops
Supply failure or voltage to low
Check supply voltage.
Pressure in outlet pipeline too high?
Remove blockade in line, open valve.
Motor overloaded?
Allow motor to cool, identify cause of
Ambient temperature < 12 °C
Warm pump.
Pump does not achieve
Long narrow line?
Use line with larger diameter, length
final pressure or
as short as possible.
normal pumping speed
Pump has been exposed to
Run pump for a few minutes with
gas ballast (“high”).
Outgasing substances or vapor
Check process parameters.
generated in the process?
Leak in system
Repair leak
Deposits have been formed
Clean and inspect pump heads.
inside the pump?
Pump becomes too hot
Reduce pump rotation speed, ensure enough
cooling or reduce input pressure.
Radial shaft seal damaged
Replace radial shaft seal.
Worn piston seals
Replace piston seals.
Pump stops during operation
Thermal overload of
Check ambient temperature: --> < 40°C or
motor or frequency converter
insufficient air circulation for the motor fan
Check supply voltage.
Pump too noisy.
Valves damaged
Replace valve plates.
Atmospheric or high pressure
Connect hose to pump outlet.
at inlet port
Worn piston seals
Replace piston seals.
Pump runs durably with max.
Radial shaft seal damaged
Replace radial shaft seal.
rotation speed
Leak in system
Repair leak.
Gas ballast valve in position “high”
Set sliding sleeve of gas ballast valve in
position “low”.
None of above mentioned causes?
Return the equipment to Pfeiffer Vacuum