Pfaff performance 2056 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 101

Содержание performance 2056

Страница 1: ...a a a a a S S a a H 3 n 3 a C D I tI C D C V C C D A cM k C cx 0 D C 1 11 11 p C a p V...

Страница 2: ...orised dealer or service center for examination repair electrical or mechanical adjustment Never operate the sewing machine with any air openings blocked Keep ventilation openings of the Sewing machin...

Страница 3: ...tures will I ree your Teati e engergies turning our ideas into reality von start please spend some time ieading these operating iiisLrticIioii oti will soon discover how easy ii is to use our lli I in...

Страница 4: ...quence 4 3 The IDT Integrated Dual Feed 2 4 Altering the settings of a selected stitch 4 4 Lowering the feed dog 2 5 Editing a stitch sequence 4 4 Bobbin winding 2 6 Saving a Stitch sequence 4 5 Inser...

Страница 5: ...hering foot Three groove Cording foot Ruffler attachment Knit edge piping beading foot Open toe appliqu foot with IDT Quilting guide Eyelet plate 1 4 inch Quilting foot with IDT Bridging guide Free mo...

Страница 6: ...g machine This discoloring max be very difficult or i impossible to remove Fleece i1i t denim fabric especially red and blue often contain a lot of excess the 11 von suspect that your labnc readv to w...

Страница 7: ...9 I I 0 0 C o A...

Страница 8: ...pertormance 2056 4d i44 Ii11ft I I I I I I I 1 8...

Страница 9: ...ain switch 16 Slide for lowering the feed dog 17 Spool holder with spool cap IS lid with stitch chart 19 Hole for second spool holder 20 Bobbin winder 21 Bobbin door 22 Free ann 23 Needle plate 24 Thr...

Страница 10: ...seattis oetcastitg applique work inserting lace etc Strong stitch for seam linishes sewing on elasto darning rats ntd applsitig patches Pmi ugram r pe hi eniel it tes else lot feel itit lye sit lei I...

Страница 11: ...llulI 7 5 33 i t silkIl I IiI II For appliqIlt 011 111113 OSUI Ills 111 1 lUHIII14 c lls 0 ItO I IUU 1l1 I 114111 II simIjul utiIRI slik Ii Fur II IIIL HIll 1 5414 511114 sII4l II 31111 14 III 44144 j...

Страница 12: ...ilu ui li I ViI iIiIIHiii 57 I ii ii I Ii 1htuii l ii uilliuli Ii u j ii LttN iiil Lu uiIi ILiIuii I ui IuiIji 1 jIiIiiII_IiLIiL 55 Ru il I lu ii Ii I IF lIilII iilIi 5i Ii i UK U aiFtis 56 i rIahl i...

Страница 13: ...II III 112 lI Ill I Hem stitches J Ij_ i 1 tE i I 1 U_ C I 1 I i I _ a _ lEt E o 191 Il I I2 I I I I 1 9 I I IS I 11 Antique hand embroidery stitches r r r r r 110 III 112 Ii Ill lI Scallop edges H13...

Страница 14: ...20 227 22 220 210 211 212 211 III Art stitches Iii 1 I 2 Il II I 0 7 I II I 1 TI 2 il I 1 7 II Ornamental stitches 200 III 202 201 201 101 2H 207 20 200 H 10 101 Th1 lul Eu IXH 07 oo 4 1i Iii III I Fu...

Страница 15: ...4 41 kIiII i ii ill I 11 11 411 I 44k I I t 4 ii 51tIi4t I lIt I Illitill ol Itt 1 II lXil1i 151 Sewing with free arm Iii H dii 11 s l tIsiIIL iItt ft CC II III 5 4 11114 HI SS I 5 ItS I Itt II II1 l...

Страница 16: ...kd il ii 1l 1 s i d11 Ilk pii IS lB tli Ij t Illj tl 111k IllS l Ilk It I Accessory tray V ISSUJ I I 1 I H I HI ltli mdc liii i ll Ilk i lt I ta I 1 1 II I 11 1 111 1 lIlt I lit li l Is a 1 i II It Il...

Страница 17: ...S a a J V 1 I...

Страница 18: ...lo I tdut t lb I ik of tltt Ii it iot k INs plug is micinled 10 Iii ii a l o11i iieil 0 111 1 0ll 1 tilt N1 Ii ilit 1 101 4 10 5 1101 III huh in lilt 0111 hi t ei st 11w pim 4 If ii situ iii 05 001 f...

Страница 19: ...i 1 it I he i Ii Ot 1tl W1t IS nid t the anw t tote the t eat pat I loWiIwtt IS itotil it cltseII4ai4 s Ii Hit the pi esset loot hioldet Snap on the presser foot hal e the 1H ss I toot ttiid tlw pi es...

Страница 20: ...The e en ft c llng actiomi also emistires perfect matching of checked aii l striped fmhrics he l1 f keeps all haems of quilt projects tligiie 1 It pres emil stretching of time to 1 1acrs Engaging the...

Страница 21: ...1a11 IxII II11aI1ut 2q56 tlire trt tVt 11t1t1 I1t lfl IIH lS lot lO iiI1g ilie It I l t 4 1W NI tlit IttSi I UI tite IflI ltiII LII I tIll iIl5i 1 ilit Ili 11 1 111 II UI For either method F aist tltt...

Страница 22: ...e itlelLided wtth otn riiachine Choose a S UI af that is the sallie sue or sligit ti laigt i t liallwttr titan the spool Bobbin winding Preparing the machine for bobbin winding Place an eillpt blue bo...

Страница 23: ...nding 111111 oIl the Il1 lUillIIe 1101 1 tile 11 1 If tile thijeaci lii itil aII l j I ess tile loot contiol As 50011 as the 1 01 1 11 is lull the wijtdiiti aelloll ulI slop aittotiiatieallv Push the...

Страница 24: ...n ttide the thread to the right under thread guide C Place an empt blue bobbin on the bobbin hinder aligning the small ueu tangtiiar hole I lie buttoni side of tile bublnii with thit small black pin u...

Страница 25: ...logo facing tovaids the l Ol l in Case iii the bobbin ase When loitlg so ptt 1 i the thread Iiiroitgh slot then ttiidei teIlsioll spritlg B tiiitil it lesis iii the opening see arlos Check I hold the...

Страница 26: ...44 1 Fiat C tile tiii e1 l frOill tight II Mt lilt tIle 1 1 tteIlSi i1 LIIl IC 1 tht U4i1 Ilk 1 11 101 disk in thu lull 1 thit tding slut i ti I iiII thu thluld 1Us1I li is II 4 1111 1 thu sIUj 1 tntt...

Страница 27: ...k Ii I tt lit t t l0I tilt i hi ut ilit il di I Lull I dliii l lilt I III 1 1 t I0 ii iii lilt adi iuuouk I Rdi t tlit csslll ii lit jiti dlt ln oli iuw l lii u l lIl ii tk 1 o lw uii 0 liii it thu I...

Страница 28: ...01 4 HIll 41 0 tb IW bl Hi4 Vt 14 4 H all l ii lit 111144 Pull 11w iit dl tllI d l to draw tip 11w bobbin iliicad h s 1114 l l hiIi 1001 LI1 l pull the t0 ahld bobbin threads hihIdel 1114 J ieSS i O l...

Страница 29: ...pia e the se ilc iieedie sith a tssnu ilL edie lnsei t the 5e otif spool t tii and pia C 010 spooi of thi ead ill ea h of the spooi 11 th 511 tt d spooi viii P spooi tap aild a kit pa i tluldei ut aW...

Страница 30: ...SIil hes 111l1i4t hit stilt Ii lelIgli h tout hiit tlit stilt Ii ItiHtli ill III Oil I1lt St ICtil 01 1 P ssillg III 11111 11011 field buttons oIl Islil set lilt ltiitli 1 1 0111 silk Ii oil 11w IISf...

Страница 31: ...ion 1 01 1 111 1111 41 1 II I 1510115 III ILII Ill i 0111 1 0 010111 1 0 flu ho d 1 11 i1it lit SI Stilt II II l t diIllIC 111 1 Il1liI lIll Ill Ik SIll lilt ll lilt Ill I t Ili lIllul lulou II lilt X...

Страница 32: ...tsIt ilit Liit lilt nIt tli fLit sitlt Ln ii ti itl ou 1 luIl Hint tlw tS it lttl lit ut OH I 1w HL1 him 2 djiist tlI it tdilt4 iltt 1 41 1 13 tIlt Lute lilt until it is positioned 4t i t HilOi i tltl...

Страница 33: ...oerformaflce 2056 Qer 7 L a I a...

Страница 34: ...p1 tSsiiuiZ I lie 1 t IltI I Function buttons Pattern start 1 5 tess Pit ki ii 50 111 1 1 let not to t lie sLO 0113 pt Ont i l 1 stit Ii Ii St it Ii e Sew slow F Sew 51 155 timi he 11 IPated lit ii s...

Страница 35: ...lit 5 411 l ieiiiuIII I lie i ngi ii I I lie httit Ililoie se uI1l ssnhi titi 1 1111011 Scroll buttons Ii it st IluuiiInis li is 4 bIlk 455 I tli II1I1 114 41i5 In I lie s ie III Ill iluellius S ioil...

Страница 36: ...Ill I I I j I IS its i Si III 111 11 II sI It Ii Is pt s ii III HI III 151 III 1 511 Ii IS 11 51 15 iI 4 It Iii II hIlls Overlock stitches SIlo lies UI Illi 11111 III i a ili In iii ii lii shill Ii I...

Страница 37: ...4 anon antI balit IC Darning and bartacks Stmtc lies 70 75 I Ins menu pnnmck s a selt c lion of 1w tat ks and tlai nmnq stilt lit s I lie am iotis 1w mc ks ai c foi i eniboti iii lK Let cot nt is skim...

Страница 38: ...scroll buttons or b tomtcliiiig the scroll bar on the Scieeti toti select a stitch bi totichiimtg it and the sewing mcmi opens br tlmu stitch Selection by number ______ Press the selection bs niunihet...

Страница 39: ...l ctise the futtit tioll tail 1101 he tleactisatcd m Iiiacttsc the littiu tioli t uii lie at tisatt i At tise the him tioti is selected tiul can he ie tisatt d Altering the stitch settings eedlt posit...

Страница 40: ...11 2 Length seiling hi1e se4ing lout II tiit 1 4 11 Po Sets Iit i lt ll l lnltlnlillnie sealli nid pt Iss thit 1 tI SC hIlilnIl It 11 11 toLl lla I Itu 1111 I lIt t 01 Itt I 1 1111 111114 it Sl t ii i...

Страница 41: ...liii ii 111 11 I ft it I 22 O Ft ii 10011011 s StiI Iwo ulit loOt lion s w tis iIt il tb pi s t I 1 o1 t iii lit Ii iw it t d alit Hnal o l It to ii t liii hot I H p tOt Hi sill iiii 12 Hi ii w Ii 01...

Страница 42: joining together several p es of fabi iC 31 e lttal length I ieoli is automaticails a tivated hess hit reserse l hltIt3h1 when 011 reach sour tltsiied length lie mtiacl tine ties fi and slops All...

Страница 43: ...11 1 11 I I ttii II I to Sat I iii Sit tIIlL5 I Raise presser foot IIIlI jt Ii Ill lII1 1111 l it Itt lilt Ills I II Iii lit 1 I till ill ssti it tot It liSt 11110111iI it 11 It ii 1 1 I Ill Ii It 111...

Страница 44: ...a spe tlit lain it ot appla alion 01 Just saw thit stH Ii st H1iL4S hkt and list a lot ou absass hase tb 1 iossthuhiis to go iHttk to titlatiht sCtti igs 0 ithotn losing oin s u 4d laoiiitt seitnigs I...

Страница 45: ...dlt I II l 1ldIil t lS ill tlit Ol h t 1i1C111I I itt pdl tel II Pdl linett l 55 iI iOW I k I llS 1 k Ilk It I lit IIllltklil lou 11151k kIll 51 1111114 III tlit lt it C 111 11 l to 1151 51 111 Ins I...

Страница 46: ...Ii to a tlelittlt A dialogtte tndoss tpp at s Re et I put tullent lot this pallet ii j to their ortnial seitillgs lotn Ii ok iii tNe to totuluitit 01 itjett a son lestrI to orignial seittiigs soil tan...

Страница 47: ...Inc pSjl Plcrt tire 5 111 Ii tl LIII I ijir I III k tIm 4 tOll LIII I tt n i _ l Information in the main menu Ii soil pI5ss 1111 our lnui Ion ni un nitin Iltilil hit 111 1 s sit III 1415 5 Soil ill b...

Страница 48: ...lI ii 110141 ttti l lpti itIL dt 1 i itt 114 111 1 lotteit tile itoH lot eat Ii intu hon to read tiit iiiiot fliatiOti Pit S tofl hiittoti _ itt 1 1 IH SL tlit 0111411 intliiipie Tie itt lr I i uu ran...

Страница 49: ...performa nce 2056 Owner s nanuaI F I The rea passion for sevn...

Страница 50: ...V F I k I it j tIt 4 1 W I V 4 t 0 4 I S...

Страница 51: ...rTi rsi rr rwi i rv rwi rw r kw rw rw rw NJ l o v C D Z _ CC __ tD CV c _Ez r 2 D E __ 2 2 z D z 2 E E C E E z z2 EE EE j N7 7N 4 C C H o...

Страница 52: ...i _f 0 E C C EE C E EC E z E O iC FE E Q C C S C D C C z D C r 2 z C C C c C s C 5 z C _ C C C Z E 2 C E 0 C E C c C C D C C E C t E 2 C C C C C C 5 j F E F Z F F j n CD CD VI f I VI CD C CD CD s C C...

Страница 53: ...1 IflUst ht dCix e cti ile the lctiOIl fieti h lotichillg it Alter the settings of a single stitch in a sequence Seleci the stilch Volt isii to iltei i lollthliiO 4 II 101 lii ilso sehe I the stitch l...

Страница 54: ...a uttetliots slot I III folio 0551114 tue sage app at S Please I it ioe a uttento itS slot Note hi ti Soil sse ati dtt ol settieti e thu it ha au aIls I 0011 t ii ii a 01 11101 the huattes s ill he sa...

Страница 55: ...r Ur I 2 S S S S S I 4 5 r I 2 C S rrr rrr rv rrr rtvr r tLr 4N i a...

Страница 56: ...a a a a a a a a aa aa fla ab au C CD I j buIWr qs vq ij i r Allit...

Страница 57: ...plii s 10 tIlt Cli I lit SC f Ott ti II iiiit cluauat ti is whit ltd tlw siit st tIuuIi 4 if plit s to lii si ii i tt tl ifui Cii It i itl ill Ii illi i I is li o ii Ills Hill ii l I i Ct si I is sit...

Страница 58: ...t tetl 1111 1 hole and is smt uired vi ut set screv B Basting stitch No 17 IA ith stitch 17 on can baste z heti ott pi CbS the fot t ouitt oi the machine vi1 se s one stilt ii at a titHe Press the foo...

Страница 59: ...ii ihu ii 4 11 44 41 itd iieit I lit I iee hbe sss ti 4S liii tite Ibl II slu 11 1 4 it it i stttilI tliu utittt ol 4 1 1 Ic If die stilt ht ii t i ISjhl Ii tiw ii 4 ht 0 14 iuliitst td 4 t 4 iii It 1...

Страница 60: ...t1 tI Ii ti i 1 th l4 iL stilt ii pi oiu ts l liiiil tijsiit dii i titt UI 1II t SC aiii 1I1i S lIl Ii t iii l list tl 101 1slni iiiiis iiid iili tltt H itlst tiiitidsoiidiiiiii I 1 1 III 1 I It ll I...

Страница 61: ...needle position icon and finiction field hintons Three step zigzag stitch No 4 se stitch 4 to add elastic to pjainas skirts and sportswear Jo create a saistbauicl Finish die top edge ol the gailneil u...

Страница 62: ...lso good for tlaritiiig tears Sewing on patches No 4 I lie best was to lepa larger holes is to pak ft the lamaged area with a tU piece if fabric CUt il piece if fahric shi 4 iitls larger titan the dai...

Страница 63: ...10 h sorks ii XiWii 1 i lii15 ll iL 1 ililSi1lllL4 l lI li S 111 11 ticc 1101 Ii is si Closed overlock stitch No 31 If 5011 sis1i To Xs I illN It that lias t isis s li suit ii 31 iii 11115 sliltii iii...

Страница 64: ...pall ol iite sltsot 111 11 II 1 1111011111 ut 4 ttidt Into llw slot Illid I tilt 1551 al 1555 al tilt hat k 1 1 lift tieedi plait 11w ssliiit pIislk pat I got s uust t tin needle pliw ost t tng the lI...

Страница 65: ...tnpletiitg the litittoithole pith he lids of guup ci nd until the 1001 of lIlrea l is hli 1 lt ll itiiilei the buttonhole biutack Iliread the gunp cord chills into a lIahi 1 sewing needle and pull the...

Страница 66: ...Panic ulai Is atti active lslwii sewn soth a hieastei steighit Ii lead Buttonhole tips Buttonholes that ate to In sen sels close to a tcimil mced e lge ttias somelilties not feed optiitiallv s itlt t...

Страница 67: ...l lll1 cii S I lilt I1t tlIt tIller 11W lel I lu it Ill I lie 1 11111 11 I 1 15 1 1111 1 1 essel 10 11 liItei 11w 1 11111 III csill he IWI 1 iii pIl e 1 5 11W 511111k III IIW 1 1 11 1111 Il 11W ILII d...

Страница 68: ...ii iL I ii LII ill iI 1 1 OldiiI aittl ilit Iii iliIIL itiiitit is sascil lilt s itd d ii till iCiiLjl h Iii iii 10 i I li iic l Is oltt it I II i l iwm iii i iii ii it tsj 1 I lii ii it iii i lii ii...

Страница 69: ...1 or Lig ag slitch No 3 Select h ee tflotiolt Sewing icon iii tite More options window As von begin sewing tlit lartlilig loot autoinati ahly engages iii the tlarttiitg position 1 raw up the bobbin t...

Страница 70: ...gathering Gathering with elastic threads No 7 Gathering sith elastic thread is particulai h suitable for visible elastic gathering seams such as blouse slee es waist seams or necklines Mark the first...

Страница 71: ...Decorative sewing F I I F cI301 APi r a 2 I I st_I a 3 w 0 a C a a a S a S a S 4 F 2 4 I I 11 41 0 4 oF 44 k 1 1 It I s3fr 3 2 k Li A I 4...

Страница 72: ...ed tour sewing results will be mitch prettier if oUr tenSioti iS properly adjusted to a lower setting Presser loot ito I 1 11 mill fee l timid no 2 without dual feed are ieconiiiietidetl for decorativ...

Страница 73: ...I1 I PH 1 III 1 II OIl 11110 l0 1W 111110 hli U i P 9 P F U 110 1 Ii 0lI 11101 LIII 1 1 111 1 111 11110 1 111 0 1101115 lI iIl1 li i I 111 111 SIll l i 00 I nil II 110 1 111 01 11101 liii 11 10 1 Oiil...

Страница 74: ...osullt III w lten lil I t t se 111111011 I pi t t ti Asymmetrical tapering stitch 33 4 ss 111111 1 to 11 elIot 11114 Itt I t O li1t I 111111 Ii 1 111111 5 I 11111 1 lit tl l ipt I It l4 itt I t ist il...

Страница 75: ...9 I lL L LI1 II1 4 II III I IIII I II HI LI 4 III 11111 II 4 LI 11411 I 1111 I 41 I n It I I IL I Il IL t I i II II I LI 4i I 1111114 I ill 4 I lIt lIlt 1 1111 LIII I 1111111111 i i I Lii l Ii II IL I...

Страница 76: ...he end of tile seaiii pl ss the reverse hutton 1ll scant is itoss tied oil and ready to be sessli again oltti1itle to sew the labile pieces of this site togethiet When soti aie hnisiied ithi this Site...

Страница 77: ...patlerli ill the 111111 back 0lt 10 not llee 1 to follow CI seaiii iii tile quilt sew eer 3 4 i iches to kee 1 the quilt iii phic Of course 0ll cati sew more to create a inure 1ecorati e ldr tile bac...

Страница 78: ...I j il t thit 1 ili j1i ut tile appln llc liipe 0111 of taboo and a pit cc oI liL4hii seIil1t it Oil out ititeriacti ti Place hit I i 4 ht side of tltc lahi it uici the i ohI 4h1 ii oil oil side If t...

Страница 79: ...1 111111 4 11 1 Ilk IC I 10 45 CI C 1 05 1 1 501 ICIC 1 IIC 111 1 IC ICC CICl C 11111 It lilt SIIIC Ii i ICIiI SIoIII 4 S CUI 1 CCIISICIII 5 I 55111 ICC p ICC Is p tb slIlt itt S S CI C lC 4111 CCC I...

Страница 80: ...ength The mos etnetit of t lie hoop along sdh the sessing speed creates the stitch length Sessing too slowls may cause stni1l knots to appear on the I es erse side of sotit W uk Ioti it the liee nuoti...

Страница 81: ...ntlei stitching Begin sessilig se the Sess Slo button to ieduce onr speed shile using the ss ing needle Hemstitching I lns is a technique esersone recogni es as iiiluoideied hs linul With oiir Flail p...

Страница 82: ...V 3 A A a a a a Aa a I I I I S A a a a e a a n rL V p nflWfl I 4 1 IL 4 I 1 I oa kb...

Страница 83: ...2A iIei No 820260 4 196 Blinrlliein aiicl oV i1O k loOt siili 11 1 No 3 rder No 820256 096 Zipper loot ith II 1 No I i der No 8202 18 096 Bittiotiliole l Ot No 5 Order No 820299 096 1 arlling Free ni...

Страница 84: ...1 al 4 Spool at 5 Needle ho 6 Felt pad 7 Sedits 8 SdI 011 1 O II holder 9 Seam ripper 10 1IiI lI Ordei No 412 7 179 01 Oi der No 93 035 050 41 rder NI 93 036 0 18 I 1 rder No 93 036 0 19 4 1 Order No...

Страница 85: H I rnislei Stan di ailed piiiei Ii to the paper side tif a I nsihie p ipei u n Led sSthi nlg Renk nihiei that ans Icuiems or nniiil ers liae ho he ti itS II tS Iii hilt ti in t iu ts lion the I ns...

Страница 86: ...ill I I II 1 1 1 1111 s II LII I LIII iL 1 IL I LIII 1 01 I III 11111111 L I 44 4 1 1 411 14 II 1 IUhIhhIH L 1 1 1 11 111 III Ill lll 11 11 IIH 11141114 II II LIII III 1111 III I Ill HIll L I1I HII P...

Страница 87: ...Snap 011 the gathieniug foot 1w hiOOki g t1it mci bar of the loot oil Lu the teal guoove of the toot shank ltish the toot tip umnl it snaps OlIto the front l 1t Phu e the fabi it to be gathlere l rig...

Страница 88: ...S tOg til l P1I 1 I us t III 15 1 1145 lit I Ill 1 41 11 51 I ll I II II I sI I It Ii II Il OF 511141015 Ii the igi it I tI t I 5 i ISIS SI 11 11 Ii is lb n and press l oi 1 eIdilIL 4 place I ea i5 In...

Страница 89: ...thut lai i It Sui 11 on the Cii Il ft mPl iht 1 t IC IC CC t St iu ci stilt I I tiud tiitht lilt dgt 01 uhue ti iJhi huICai C1i 4 the I i 4 hiu inutei edge CI tiit loot I h sli tight stitch ssifl he...

Страница 90: ...1 1111 1 hR est lel till suith tilt desii iii stilt Ii ste t lllipk s tl iii it iiilt cu uiu so intl the hi ip us ill 1 lit Id itti slois Is nid tuelils hut siuhi in s should in t l i lost lii i tt ii...

Страница 91: ...uide sour labrit along the inner edge of the loot Bridging guide Ihe hndging guide is used lot sessilig together tsso edges of labrics sithm ati open ellet t it is available iii 3 niiit and 5 mm ss id...

Страница 92: i e positioiietl l ehiili l tilt iieethie cl ttiil Fightei the notched surest Bi iiii the Free motion 111 11 foot into the LII iiiI i osItiih 1w selecting the Free motion icon ti1 l lowel the lee...

Страница 93: ...sihii4 1l h III ISO plhh1 ks iii rIo 44 IIudes t iilo i side ol the t lH t Il 11w 1111 1 Fati Iii 1 1 1 III desio d de iiIis e shik lies iii i hits spat e Note I st liii I iinio k 11 4 ss ill I ec oi...

Страница 94: ...11 411 1031 Ucisti1t Ii ilit iii tat ls iilj a silk Ii ii ii tlii nI t f 31 1 3 iou t Tip i tt ii Ii 1 0 Ii Iii kit IS It3 1 1 is c1l so Ot 1 Couching Braiding Foot with IDT I its sjn iii 101 1 iS Is...

Страница 95: ...sliding the ircimlai eiiibroider guide to another mat k on the guide ai in Narrow Edge Foot with IDT Ibis foot makes narrow edge topstit lung easiei and makes edge jomuimig lain ic and lace meet s ea...

Страница 96: ...SOIl 55 1111 lIlt 1 1111011 1 1 1 pla I SILl 1 1 1 tli Se s III 1 1111011 11 1 1 ill 50111 I 101 lll lll C 2050 PIll tIn 1 1111 111 III I lIe I 11 11 Is llwl ll 111 1 C Ill l l l 11w 1 1 5511 11 1 1...

Страница 97: ...o 30 3 svmiihietie ilti cad miwiallit ilui cad Fiieeiie lieiiisiiit 1111114 III litas 115 Ii t sst d miaieiials iigiiii ls 4laS5 Il1 l l i Nliero Iihei SV0Cl1 l tl i s lopstlI lii I S dlIlS Ii r fInlt...

Страница 98: ...erns I 05 I I Wl Si t N 0 5 1 liii ijtlt Itt liii ti tt IIiitt stilt lmi II Silt Nfl 5 1 5 mu mi tm 2 miii 1 1 l iiuw slil liiii Nut N I iuuiui liii I I It 2 iiiiii I hI I iii si il lim i Hem stitch s...

Страница 99: ...cliff eretit brands and weights if stabiliiers to find the ones I hat gi e tite 1 st results nit oiit p1 Ojects I i using several las cr5 ol higlitseigitt st tlHhi ei then tear 111 111 awa One at a t...

Страница 100: ...luble stahiliier is also ltse 1 to transfer pattern especiall 0111 1 hal k fabrics Irace the pattel fl oHIo water soluble stahiliier with a fine line ptnuancilt mat king pe t I ten tape it to the gann...

Страница 101: ......

Страница 102: ...s Io U at tue 110111 until soit heai it sita ill place Before Xtitl stall sewilig Ile h that tue needle plate is Ivitig flat lip 10 01 till ttt i i lt Ill llldke l lno lll 4 ilit Ilee iie piJit ta l l...

Страница 103: ...Iati It IO L ise ai 1 1 1dm I lie I uil A Insertion of the bulb Important Ise light 1 1111 dS indicated on the kit side of the ma Ititte 12 niaxW Insert the htIIl in the in1ii lilangel tncie the 1 111...

Страница 104: ...11 11 tiuc 101 111 hi 4 iuiit I I 0 1 lIl CiI I hI ill lIlt III I 1St ii is I Ii iii It 11111 itt St P1111 114111 It Oil ut cli II I I I II 0 1 I Ii iiki Sit IC thai tht t Oi 1 iil OSt N SIt lii t hcc...

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