Create even more stunning embroidery
with the right accessories!
PFAFF® is constantly working to bring you new and exciting
accessories to allow you to expand your creativity. There is only
one place to fi nd it all. Visit your local PFAFF® dealer to fi nd out
more about the latest embroidery collections, creative accessory
hoops, techniques, and so much more. The right accessories all
combine to bring your creative dreams to life.
Your authorized PFAFF
180 04 80-26
We reserve the right to change the machine equipment and the assortment of accessories without prior notice, or make
modifi cations to the performance or design. © 2008 VSM Group AB, Sweden. PFAFF®, CREATIVE™, IDT™ and 4D™ are trademarks of
VSM Group AB. All rights reserved. All statements valid at time of printing. Printed in Sweden on environmentally friendly paper.