For hems on curtains, trousers, skirts, etc.
Blind hem for stretch fabrics.
Blind hem for firm fabrics.
Set the Stitch Length Dial with the range
shown on the diagram at the left. Blind
hems, however, are normally sewn with a
longer stitch length setting. Set the Stitch
Width Dial at a setting appropriate for the
weight / type of fabric being sewn, within
the range shown in the diagram on the left
of the page. Generally, a narrower stitch is
used for lighter weight fabrics, and a wider
stitch is used for heavier weight fabrics.
Sew a test first to make sure the machine
settings are appropriate for the fabric.
Turn up the hem to the desired width and
press. Fold back (as shown in Fig. 1)
against the right side of the fabric with the
top edge of the hem extending about 7 mm
(1/4") to the right side of the folded fabric.
Start to sew slowly on the fold, making sure
the needle touches slightly the folded top to
catch one or two fabric threads. (2)
Unfold the fabric when hemming is
completed and press.
Blind Hem:
Blind Hem
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