Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles
Contents ....................................................................................1
Safety advice.............................................................................1
Products to use .........................................................................2
Information about the instructions .........................................3
Description of the vehicle........................................................4
Controls and instruments ..........................................................5
Display functions.......................................................................6
Key-operated ignition switch functions .................................7
Special important points............................................................7
Transponder-equipped immobiliser.....................................7
Ignition keys. .......................................................................7
Accessory socket ......................................................................7
Use of controls .........................................................................8
Checks to perform before use.................................................8
Inspection before setting off......................................................8
Advice for starting up and driving ..........................................8
Starting the engine....................................................................8
Fuel-Fuel saving .......................................................................9
Running in the engine ...............................................................9
Switching off the engine and parking ........................................9
Anti-theft chain ........................................................................10
Checking the engine oil level ................................................10
Tyre pressure..........................................................................10
Battery .....................................................................................11
Battery charge.........................................................................11
Fuses .......................................................................................11
Bulb replacement ...................................................................11
Headlight adjustment .............................................................12
Fuse allocation .......................................................................13
You have just bought a Peugeot vehicle.
We would like to thank you for purchasing one of our
Please take some time to read this manual carefully
before using the vehicle.
This user manual should always be kept in the boot of the
vehicle. It contains instructions for use, checks and
maintenance of the vehicle, and important safety
instructions intended to protect the user and third parties
against accidents.
It will give you plenty of advice on how to keep your
vehicle in full working order.
Your authorised dealer is familiar with all the vehicle's
characteristics and has genuine spare parts and specific
tools. He can advise you and service your vehicle in the
best conditions according to the established service
schedule to ensure that you can enjoy driving it in
complete safety.
A inexperienced motorcyclist should make himself
completely familiar with his vehicle before going out in
traffic. You are strongly advised not to lend your vehicle
to an inexperienced rider.
To ride a motorbike, you are required by law to hold a
licence or to have completed specific training with a
professional, depending on the applicable legislation and
based on engine capacity.
Both the user and passenger are required to wear an
approved helmet. You are also advised to wear gloves
and goggles, and light-coloured or reflective clothing
adapted to motorcycling.
In some countries, the applicable legislation may not
authorise transportation of a passenger, and elsewhere
it may oblige motorcycle users to contract a civil liability
insurance policy to protect third parties and the
passenger against potential damage resulting from an
Driving whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or
certain medicines is inexcusable and dangerous for
yourself and others.
Excessive speed is an important factor in many accidents.
You must observe the road signs and signals and adapt
your speed to the weather conditions.
Luggage racks and approved paniers are available as
options. (depending on the model). Assembly
instructions should be followed and the maximum
permissible load which is between 3 and 5 kg depending
on the equipment should not be exceeded.
The engine and the exhaust system components can
reach very high temperatures. When parking your
vehicle, be careful to avoid contact with inflamable
materials which could cause a fire or with parts of the
body which could result in serious burns.
Using spare parts that have not been approved by the
manufacturer, changing the vehicle's technical
characteristics or its performance is forbidden. Any
modification will invalidate the warranty and the vehicle
will no longer be in compliance with the version approved
by the appropriate services.
The vehicle identification data required under Directive
97/24/EC features on the control label placed on the
vehicle. It represents a measure against tampering with
mopeds and light motorcycles.
NOTICE-GEOPOLIS-04D.mif Page 1 Lundi, 1. mars 2010 2:47 14