PEUGEOT 103 L2-U1 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание 103 L2-U1


Страница 2: ...ndra Boulevard Gardens California 90247 Cycles Peugeot IU S A Inc is 3 subsidiary of Cycles Peogrot S A 57C0 Vakntigney France a French Limited Company administered according to sections 118 to 150 of the law governing commercial companies ...

Страница 3: ...varte and attention m WKfor c insure the Iwig ife of aff of w firw amlninz W hope you fa fe an ettrvo part n c ffaff fat your PEUGEOT and tftis handbook hex iftww designed TO gfvo you our best Stdvtcc on maintenance procedures Piease take time to rcod both the P JG OT rwttuaJ and the wmonty card ATI of us el PEUGEOT wish you safe end happy tiding MOPEDS 103 LS U1 103 LVS U2 103 LVS U3 103 L2 U1 10...

Страница 4: ... rve knob tights S engine s rt operating procedures W Stowing end stopping 7 7 parking locking s stem mamm If moped as bkych Page 12 extended stotag 12 after storage 12 MAINTENANCE 13 rnafM rwrKe SCfctibfe chain maintenanca t4 rfw chain aetftjstnwfft 14 bicydtr chain adjustment 14 sparkplug rs tints IS brake adjvstmam IS tkcartovnitittf 16 c nnrtg 16 TROUBLESHOOTING 17 front whtet removal 17 rear ...

Страница 5: ...irtgs Bad central shock absorber spring k tire pump SOSPfnJSiOki SVS7PM a tefescopic front fork b fs r suspension shock ebsoroers tnti t tosCOptC supports BRAKWG SYSTEM a front drum brake internal expansion type operated by th RIGHT HAND BRAKE LEVER Hub darneter 3 S inch s B 87 cm h roar rirum hrak t as bov operated by the LEfT HAND BRAKELEVER EN3WE The P UG OT MopcrS engine is a ithgfa cptfrnftv ...

Страница 6: ...ig 2 and 3 drives In turn the large bottom bracket pulley The engine is spring mourned on fa axle in order to maintain a proper tension on the dme belt vt the primety trensrnis on LIGHTING EQ UfPMENT AND H0FW Becuitef tyst m Tpe PEUGEOT BV 26W flywheel magneto Fig JQJtf powers the b rdfAmpr tait fatnp stoplight activated bv the use of either brake leverf afevtric hom and speedometer fljjjM ftxetip...

Страница 7: ...h ft 2 drtve belt primary tmmmf ton 3 tir ve putfay S cfjtcfi box pressure pfote AOTOMATfC GEAR CHANGE F 2 Fig 3 High ratfucifcn rwic lftTg ehi v iiflrrnKi r EXTT NSfBM PULLEY frVt st p aiH drum antfbafts rj movable puitey pfete 1ft tofcterpfcrft e ...

Страница 8: ... ar br k fa 7 stopfigM switch ion bo brake fevers fu f tank c p 9 fafr side engfn ccver 10 toof GGmp rtmont 1 7 drive c w W tewondary trans mission 12 toft ped t 13 driven puttey 14 engine drive kn to 15 drive hnfo primary r r mission 18 drive pit fey witti v r spaed Tr3n fiw jrQrt 17 fuel vafw ftw IS wtitiyht and stap ight ...

Страница 9: ...i bar adfustment tnto ftfa centra h rn bijttorr vut off switch headlight adjustment front fork lock spvwfwrreCw imwr radio interference suppressor exhaust system PEUGEOT ffywhuvf rrwgnoto center kickstand cfialrt renstoner rfffht p daf crsnk gear bicycle chain F 5 ...

Страница 10: ...iue thf two stroke motor oif or a sirnHar BtA Boating IndusUy Association certified product for TCW two cycte Are rer ceo ad service fiANGE Depending upon riding conditions rider we gt and the partrcaiar 103 Moped mode tiff U2 U3 e a fuH tank of ges should take you ppfGxifft t ty OS tnif s FUEL VALVE The fuef vafve on your Moped Fig d has ifrraa postdo rs e OFF b ON c RESERVE Put the fuet velve hv...

Страница 11: ...ety are invohred ffeGOnvrrcndtstf tire pressure printed on fte tfre sideweff Front Tire 25 26 lbs tf kg Rear Tire 37 32 lbs 2J kg Maximum tfre pressure as indicated on tit sid waff 36fbs iZSkgl BRAKES Check your brakes often Jf they do need an adjustment foffow the instructions for brake adjustment given in te m fntenance section p 75 DRIVE KNOB Before starting make sure that the engine drrve Knob...

Страница 12: ...e ccmptete y the decompressor contritt favttr if Starting with the ieit hsnd pedal at its top position kick the pedai down sharpfy and release the decompressor wer rght thumb wher the teH hand Crenk arm taoefies the bottom Repeat this ticking operation two or three times if the engine is eokt As soon as the engine engages use the throttfe 15 te give it some more gas After the engine has run for a ...

Страница 13: ...opadar xtttndstiff do not rsce or rev jp the en ne This actio wfl cause the automatic dutch to re engagtr When you aro road1 tc forward again mpfy opvn the throttle and accelerate ff you ere starting on an up grade you way have to pedaf to heip your eng nc set the Moped under way For your safety and contenience two devices twve beer provided to stop the angina first an ignition switch Fig W 5 is h...

Страница 14: ...aged EXTENDED STORAGE ft you have to storm your Mvped for on extended period of time m recommend you prepare your bite in the following way a Ernpty the fuel tank h flon the gins untH the curbureior h empty of fuel c Remove the spark plug d Put e few drops of oil directfy into the cffinder Turn the ngirt ovat by pasting in o det iu spread tfie off rn the cyfnder t fiepfaa spark ping vf do mt tight...

Страница 15: ... order ip tighten up a drive chain that has mora than 112 125 rrrrn sfsck in it f e movement up and downl a Loosen rearaxfe nuts 3 b Turn the adjuster nvts of chain tensionars i2i an equal amount in the rear drop ouis of the frame C Cheek to see that the rear wheel sa aligned in the center of the chatn stays The correct chain tension may be gauged by pressing the chain down at its midpoint Qver af...

Страница 16: ...faces If necessary restore scratched rrr grazed enamel surfaces with an aerosol can of Peugeot spray paint or Pwgwt twch up paint avaiabte through yvur Peugeot deafer Important DO MOT ciean your Moped wrth so vents tike gasofin o Of a kafrne wsshoa which a ways tarnish the fustre of the enamel A so plastic parts are to be washed only with water or soap and water TRAVEL LIMITATION OF THE OSCILLATIN...

Страница 17: ...eir adfttstmertt lift the crankg ar bicycle chain off without removing the tfmsitif ink spring dip d ft rnove the drive chain by undoing the spring clip on the tnaster fink Puff re f wheel back until it is frse EPA Rf VG THE FLAT rVj remove the tire from the rim4 you should use a good set of tire levers Finatj Jet a the err out ef yeur tube end break the bead Of bond between tire and rim Then pry ...

Страница 18: ...g IS end sir note in the tank o p if thejetischggvd IFig 20 tl take nut of rht carburetor and blow n out with your tite pump DO NOT by to dean rt with any metot wire which coufd frtfscT rhe output of the fat JK themotor stops when you squeeze on or both brake fevers change th bulb of the rear stoplight If the s erk pfvff is dirty or wvro cfeen reptece ft it is always desitabiv to carry a new spark...

Страница 19: ...positron in order to start end otvt i c the engine When the ignition switch pushed to tto OFF position the engine witt stop Both right and toft brake avers operate independentfy 1o activate the reef stoplight Note Bectric current is provided by nteens of e ffywhaeJ furan tn Fig 2Q 2 page ffi HEADUGHT ADJUSTMENT in order to ride safety at night your headiight should be kept in good adjustment for n...

Страница 20: ...amp 6 Arf f ie bottom part of tha fens and chromed tight covvr away from tne ijaso e Dhc nn cf the two atficTric wfms from the s atwl hoarrt d fn ord r to free the swk beam from the chroma cover remove the dips which faster the fens to the chroma fr rw of the fight unit Hota s Fxertise particular cara in ff these operothn T the fght urJt h a fmgfle one ff you experience a y fxoto mi mttfttft tpto ...

Страница 21: ...iwr acn Ujfii unit Mu cn ri bulb COLOUfl coot 1 nwr 7 FN 3 f 6 a 1 5 OCS1H 1 CLOW TOLD RACK 2 i SLACK to Kb Wmns duaam Wa wM HUT tai Uj S l O tubal 21 ...

Страница 22: ...ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM JUNtTlCN COIL O Hptamciliaiy wnng diagrarmm n oltom vfi with e tsJ aw qhi tnit equipped wim 2 bulbs PAS1K PLUG 1 co jta t UHtAKtH ASSY ftECTIF I EH REACTANCE Fig 38 22 ...

Страница 23: ...ify yoi f if suppressor HftJipnwr t in any wsy from origins factory standards And rnrmmb r that s PEUGEOT Moped should be so viced onfy by your PEUGEOT dt tf Qftfy youf dti far knows ail th parts and mechsmcat operations of tfw Moped ottd hffs tho tooia fr cG sttry to porform sorr foiif sc v co And maintan nce operaftanx Qtpmnd upon him to insure your corttmtmd safe and comforratJe riding ...
