User Manual of ECO-Sign v1.0
transmit the image to Device
“Receiving image...” means
Coordinator is transmitting
image to Device.
Once the image is transferred
completely, you will find
“Image has been
transmitted!” message and
the Device is rescheduled to
next wake up time. Turn to
sleep then.
14:25:47 [Demo1]: Device returns to sleep mode.
14:26:21 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
[Demo2]: Wake up. MAC=[00-12-4b-00-01-13-cf-64] , RSSI to D=-24db, RSSI back to C=-43db
14:26:53 The image of [Demo2] is ready to be sent [4].
14:26:56 Ready to send image...
14:26:56 [Demo2]: Receiving image...
14:27:12 [Demo2]: Image has been transmitted!
14:27:12 [Demo2]: Set up next wakeup time:2011/04/28 14:31:18
14:27:15 [Demo2]: Next WakeUp time=
2011/04/28 14:31:18
14:27:16 [Demo2]: Device returns to sleep mode.
14:27:25 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
[Demo3]: Wake up. MAC=[00-12-4b-00-01-13-cf-41] , RSSI to D=-46db, RSSI back to C=-66db
14:28:23 The image of [Demo3] is ready to be sent [2].
14:28:26 Ready to send image...
14:28:26 [Demo3]: Receiving image...
14:28:29 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
14:28:45 [Demo3]: Image has been transmitted!
14:28:45 [Demo3]: Set up next wakeup time:2011/04/28 14:32:48
14:28:49 [Demo3]: Next WakeUp time=
2011/04/28 14:32:48
14:28:51 [Demo3]: Device returns to sleep mode.
You can also check the “Next
WakeUp timing” in item 4
that had marked by different
Devices are going to work to
follow such rule in the future.
If the image was not
transmitted successfully, it
will show “Time out of
transmitting image” in the
message box.
You could find the time out
setting at “Configuration”
page “Time out of sending
image (seconds)”.
14:29:32 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
[Demo1]: Wake up. MAC=[00-12-4b-00-01-13-ce-1d] , RSSI to D=-37db, RSSI back to C=-57db
14:29:54 The image of [Demo1] is ready to be sent [6].
14:29:57 Ready to send image...
14:29:57 [Demo1]: Receiving image...
14:30:13 [Demo1]: Image has been transmitted!
14:30:13 [Demo1]: Set up next wakeup time:2011/04/28 14:34:18
14:30:17 [Demo1]: Next WakeUp time=2011/04/28 14:34:18
14:30:18 [Demo1]: Device returns to sleep mode.
14:30:37 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
[Demo2]: Wake up. MAC=[00-12-4b-00-01-13-cf-64] , RSSI to D=-25db, RSSI back to C=-44db
14:31:24 The image of [Demo2] is ready to be sent [3].
14:31:27 Ready to send image...
14:31:27 [Demo2]: Receiving image...
14:31:40 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
14:31:43 [Demo2]: Image has been transmitted!
14:31:43 [Demo2]: Set up next wakeup time:2011/04/28 14:35:48
14:31:46 [Demo2]: Next WakeUp time=2011/04/28 14:35:48
14:31:47 [Demo2]: Device returns to sleep mode.
14:32:44 Agent Reply: Checking new images...
[Demo3]: Wake up. MAC=[00-12-4b-00-01-13-cf-41] , RSSI to D=-39db, RSSI back to C=-57db
14:32:54 The image of [Demo3] is ready to be sent [5].
14:32:57 Ready to send image...
14:32:57 [Demo3]: Receiving image...
14:33:11 [Demo3]: Image has been transmitted!
14:33:11 [Demo3]: Set up next wakeup time:2011/04/28 14:37:18
14:33:14 [Demo3]: Next WakeUp time=2011/04/28 14:37:18
14:33:15 [Demo3]: Device returns to sleep mode.