Function and
LED color
When shooting on semi, precocking keeps the piston in rear position, ready for a shot.
This decreases the time between pulling the trigger and the actual shot, increasing
realism, and giving advantage in CQB fights. Precocking level must be set so, that the
piston remains around 1,5 cm from the rearmost position.
To release the spring after using precocking, set your replica to semi, press, and
hold the button on the unit, then pull the trigger. This will cause a single shot to be fired
with strongest AB setting, making sure that the main spring remains uncompressed. It
is advised to do that when you finish shooting for the day.
No sound signal while LED glows yellow means, that the precocking is disabled. 1 to 8
signals indicate precocking levels from 1 (the weakest) to 8 (the strongest).
In replicas with standard contacts, precocking works only on semi!
AB setting does not affect the functioning of precocking, it is ignored if
precocking is enabled.
This function allows to lower the rate of burst or automatic fire. 5 reduction levels are
6% ROF reduction
12% ROF reduction
18% ROF reduction
24% ROF reduction
30% ROF reduction
These are approximate values and may vary depending on replica
No sound signal while LED glows white means, that the ROF reduction is disabled. 1 to
5 signals indicate reduction levels from 1 (the smallest) to 5 (the greatest).
Semi-automatic shots and the first shot in burst are always fired without any
power reduction to retain good trigger response.
DMR mode
DMR Mode limits the frequency of semi-automatic shots or increases minimal intervals
between bursts. Its main use is in high power, DMR-styled replicas on fields, which
demand such limitations. 0.25s, 0.5s, 1s, 2s and 3s intervals are available.
No sound signal while LED glows purple means, that the DMR mode is disabled. 1 to 5
signals indicate interval levels from 1 (the shortest) to 5 (the longest).
Li-Po and Li-
Ion alarm
Li-Po and Li-Ion alarm informs the user, that the battery voltage has fallen below 3.7V
per cell, at which the battery should not be further used and must be recharged. Unit
automatically detects number of cells in the battery and determines safe voltage range.
The need for battery replacement is signaled by short sound signals every one minute.
Disable this function if you are using batteries other than Li-Po or Li-Ion.
No sound signal while LED glows white means, that the alarm is disabled. 1 signal
indicates activation of the alarm.
Master reset
Master reset returns the unit to factory settings.
To reset, pull and hold the trigger for 2 seconds. A long sound signal confirms return to
factory settings.