The following paragraphs contain instructions for unpacking, installing and perform-
ing post installation inspection and checkout of the 500 Watt Searchlight.
The searchlight components are packaged according to best commercial practice.
Care should be exercised when unpacking to prevent damage to any of the searchlight components.
Packages should be examined prior to opening for evidence of possible damage in shipment. Any ship-
ping damage should be reported to the freight carrier or its representative. Immediately upon unpacking,
check the contents of the shipping containers against the packing list. Make sure components are not dis-
carded with the packing material. Report any shortages directly to PERKO, Inc.
A spare xenon lamp may be shipped with a searchlight. It is not necessary to open this
lamp package. Xenon lamps contain xenon gas under pressure in a quartz tube and,
if mishandled, may explode.
The searchlight head and the Power Supply should each be handled by two or more
persons because of the weight and/or bulk of these two components.
a. Preliminary
Remove the Yoke and Base and Mechanical Control components from their shipping containers and
inspect for damage. If undamaged, place the Yoke and Base, Mechanical Control elevation rod, and
Mechanical Control azimuth tube near the customer-provided (1/2" X 21" dia.) support plate with mounting
studs. Place the remaining Mechanical Control components near the operator's station.
b. Mechanical Installation
DO NOT FASTEN the Yoke and Base to the Support Plate until an adequate layer of
moisture sealant has been applied between the base plate and support plate.
(1). At the support plate (ON the Roof), place the Yoke and Base on the support plate, aligning the
four holes in the searchlight base with the studs in the mounting plate such that the Yoke rotates from for-
ward to aft in either port or starboard directions approximately 190 degrees. The rotational stop should be
felt with the Yoke pointed in the 190 degree aft position. Remove the Yoke and Base from the support
plate and apply an adequate layer of moisture sealant. Replace the Yoke and Base on the support plate
and fasten it using four customer-provided nuts with locking washers (or bolts).
(2). Remove the shaft housing from the Yoke and Base by removing the 5/16" mounting bolts.
(3). Align, insert and lower the azimuth tube through the 1.5" diameter hole taking care that it does
not fall through the ceiling above the operator's station.
(4). Support the azimuth tube to prevent it from falling, while placing the shaft housing over the end
of the azimuth tube, and fasten the housing to the tube using the shaft housing clamps provided (see
Detail, Drawing 9304-1).