User’s Handbook, TSL 4230, Issue 4
General information
The 4016-E61TRS is a 16 cylinder turbocharged engine designed by Perkins Engines Company Limited, a
world leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance gas engines.
Perkins approved assembly and quality standards, together with the latest technology, have been applied to
the manufacture of your engine to give you reliable and economic power.
Read and remember the "Safety precautions" on page 2. They are given for your protection and must be used
at all times.
Note: The terms ‘left side’ and ‘right side’ apply when the engine is seen from the flywheel end.
Special tools are required to perform certain operations. A list of those required for the operations described
in this handbook is given in "Service tools" on page 9. Reference to the relevant special tools is also made at
the beginning of each operation, along with those which are universally available (UA) and any additional
specialist supplied equipment (SP) required.
Danger is indicated in the text by two methods:
Warning! This indicates that there is a possible danger to the person.
Caution: This indicates that there is a possible danger to the engine.
Note: Is used where the information is important, but there is not a danger.
This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale