– Refer to this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Turbocharger - Inspect” for
information on inspection of the turbocharger.
– The
ECM is the control computer of the engine. The ECM
provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors
data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The
ECM acts as a governor in order to control the speed
and the power of the engine. The ECM adjusts
injection timing and fuel pressure for the best engine
performance, the best fuel economy, and the best
control of exhaust emissions.
Erratic behavior of the engine may indicate a need for
repair to the ECM. Your Perkins distributor/dealer is
equipped with the necessary tools, personnel, and
procedures in order to perform this service.
The owner is encouraged to keep adequate
maintenance records. However, the absence of such
records will not invalidate the warranty. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance
Log” (Reference Materials Section).
The owner may perform routine maintenance,
repairs, and other work that is outside of the
warranty. The work may be done at any repair facility.
Such work does not need to be performed at a
designated station that is determined by the warranty
in order for the warranty to remain in force.